Overcoming the Fear of Connection

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Sue Phillips

Instagram: @homespunwithlove

Sue would like to credit Nicki Franklin at The Stitchery in this article @nickifranklin_needlework
Readers can enjoy a discount on Sue's creations. Read on for the code.
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"...Without communicating, how do we connect with other people?"

My daughter will be the first to tell you I’m not very good at communicating. Sometimes it’s a fear of saying something that will cause upset. I come from a family who didn’t air grievances out loud. We avoided arguments like the plague, so things just never got said. The air was never cleared.


There are times I’ve been given the opportunity to say something, and I have just been struck dumb, and chose not to have a voice. The fear of saying something and causing irreparable damage is insurmountable ~ once something is said you can’t take it back.


However, without communicating, how do we connect with other people?


Recently I read “To feel alive we need to feel connected...to feel connected is to feel alive” (source unknown)


Once people get to know me I’m quite a friendly person, but making that first connection can be an ordeal in itself. Very often when amongst a new group of people I will just quietly observe, and not always engage, unless spoken to. Sometimes this can be misconstrued as rudeness, being snobby - but instead it’s just plain shyness and my defence barriers are up. Those that know me are often surprised when I say I’m an introvert - if you think I’m an extrovert it’s because I’m in disguise.

A few years ago, one Saturday, I made myself go to a Stitchery social day, not knowing a single person who would be there. Believe you me, I was a bag of nerves.

I needn’t have worried. Finding myself amongst a group of like-minded people I felt a connection straight away ~ I immediately knew I was amongst a group of friends, who all had one thing in common - a love of stitching, whether that was sewing, crochet or knitting.


A few more social Stitchery Saturday’s passed and then I plucked up the courage to ask Nicki, The Stitchery owner, whether she would be interested in a collaboration…

The fear of rejection nearly prevented me asking that question, but let’s just say, I’ve done several collaborations since, and also do work for Nicki now, at her gorgeous studio in the Northampton countryside.


The following photos show some of the work I have designed or created for The Stitchery @nickifranklin_needlework

To purchase one of Sue's beautiful homespun creations, visit her store via the link below. Use code Celebration10 for 10% discount.

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