A Magical Encounter

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Dawn Farley

Dawn has been married to her lovely husband for over 40 years. Mum to four wonderful children and two gorgeous grandchildren, she finds a connection to God and spiritual peace in the beauty of nature.

"How silent is this land of wonder..."

Silken threads be-jewelled glisten

And rubies do the hedge adorn

The trees all drip with sparkling emeralds

And strewn with crystals is the lawn.


How silent is this land of wonder

Not even whisper of a breeze

Some senses heightened, others dulled

As shafts of diamond-crusted splendour

Light a pathway through the trees.


Then through drifts of opaque opal

A movement and a colour gleam

I hold my breath, remain unseen

As past me prowls an amber queen


With eyes of gold and cloak of fur

Quite unaware that I see her

She stops awhile to stretch and yawn

Resplendent on this misty morn.


Then back towards me starts to head,

So close I almost feel her breath

And through the mist our eyes connect.


For what seems an age I hold her gaze,

A privilege she gives me.

Then off she runs and breaks the spell of this magical encounter.


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