Card of the Month (1)

Oracle Insights: Hidden Oracles

Wonder Card of the Month 1
Wonder Card of the Month 2

Have you ever wondered just how wonderful your life can get? 


You know the way. 


We’re all intuitive beings. We all have a sixth sense. 


This month’s card wanted to guide you towards ways to remember and unlock your intuitive abilities and reconnect with your own inner compass. 


Wander : Change your environment, even if momentarily - explore - take a walk; go for a drive; visit a new shop or cafe; dive into a book. Experience alternative realities. 


Organise : Clear your space - let go of the old to create space for fresh, new energy and opportunities to come in. Gift things you no longer need or use to those less fortunate or currently more in need than yourself. 


Notice : Find stillness and get curious about the world around you - what do you see; what do you feel; what personal messages does nature have for you? 


Decide : Make a commitment to yourself and keep it - this does not need to be huge, but self-reliability builds self-trust, and when we trust ourselves, we are far more likely to hear and trust our intuition when it speaks to us and attempts to guide us. 


Expand : Both your heart and/or mind. Learn something new. See beyond what’s immediately in front of you. What other perspective, interpretation or deeper meaning is available to you? Perhaps on something that has been bothering or consuming you for a while… 


Reflect and Review : What has this year brought you, taught you, taken from you? What blessings can you find from any challenges? What do you wish to leave behind or move forwards with into the new year? This could be physical items, people, values, habits or beliefs. 


Cherish the past for what was. Cherish the present for the loved ones in your life. Cherish yourself, the unique path that you are on, and the wonder of the oracle within that is waiting to be revealed and utilised. 

Reading Channelled By...


Instagram: @withopenwings 


As a free-spirited wanderess and healer of multiple modalities, Jessica favours creating long-lasting change and freedom from within first. Her main mission is to empower highly sensitive empaths to reconnect with and reactivate who they are at a soul level, so that they feel safe to be here now and show up as their most authentic selves.

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