Embracing Authenticity

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Adria Nadler

Astrology: Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising, Gemini North Node in 11th House

Instagram: @Adria_Nadler

Embodiment and Empowerment Coach and Mentor

Adria Nadler_Profile

"I embraced my quirks and “imperfections” as badges of honor rather than sources of shame..."

As a young girl, I was blissfully unaware of the societal pressures and expectations that would later shape my understanding of authenticity. I played in the freedom of self-expression, unfazed by the judgment of others. Yet, as adolescence dawned, I found myself struggling with the harsh reality of conformity and rejection.


In those impressionable times, I discovered that being true to myself came at a cost. My good grades, “teacher's pet” characteristics, unique style of mismatching clothes, suddenly became sources of ridicule. The desire to belong and “fit in” overshadowed my innate sense of authenticity, and I found myself retreating into a shell of conformity. If being a teacher's pet wasn’t accepted, then I must rebel…


I started skipping school, hanging with the “wrong” crowd, smoking weed and later drinking. With suppressed beliefs about not being good enough, I buried my uniqueness beneath a facade of acceptability crafted to please societal norms and expectations. Yet, despite my efforts to blend in and numb out, I felt a profound sense of disharmony; I was awakening to the realization that I was denying myself the opportunity to live authentically, to be seen for the beauty I Am.


It was then that I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. I realized that the rejection I had faced was not a reflection of my worth or value, but rather a testament to the narrow-mindedness of those who could not appreciate my uniqueness. I gave those wounded parts of me love, shed layers of low self esteem and doubt that once imprisoned me, and embraced my quirks and “imperfections” as badges of honor rather than sources of shame.

I made a conscious decision to embody Me fully, and allow the discovery of who I Am in each new moment to bloom with the seasons and cycles of life. I came to understand that true empowerment lies not in conformity, but in embracing one's authenticity unapologetically.

With the freedom of being fully expressed, I realized that my journey towards authenticity was not just for myself, but for the empowerment of other women as well. I became aware of the pressures and expectations placed on women to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty and behavior, all to keep us small and in the shadows; for there is great power in the feeling of living authentically; it’s electric, it’s magnetic, and it's Love.


Fueled by Love and a desire to effect change, I made it my mission to empower other women to embrace their authenticity and reclaim their power. I sought to create a community of support and acceptance where women could show up as their true selves without fear of judgment or rejection. Through mentorship, advocacy, and storytelling, I am driven to dismantle the barriers to authenticity and inspire a community of empowerment and self-love.


Authenticity is a superpower; it’s about embracing your true self without shrinking or hiding, allowing others to witness your radiance and understanding that in doing so, you ignite the brilliance within them. Each one of us is a gift and our authentic essence is what will create the change that this world is craving.

More you = More Love

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