Creating the space to bloom

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Amorita Z. Mugno

Instagram: @amoritaspurpose

Inner-WorkShop host | Speaker on The Shrink Yourself Podcast© | Writer | Yoga teacher | 1:1 & group Life Coach | Intuitive Channel | Energy Healer | Holy Fire® Reiki Master

Amorita is a passionate advocate for growth, healing and reclaiming personal sovereignty.

She encourages all to "Spread the Love, Be the Peace, Bring the Light.”


"What is calling for our attention most right now?
What needs to be shifted? What needs to be alchemised? What needs to be expanded? What needs to be addressed? What needs to be felt…?

Where the bloom really starts…
Is within the darkness.


The void.
The space.
The nothingness.


Just like a blank canvas – this is what allows us to create the space for a starting place; a place for all we desire to BLOOM in its own divine way & of course, in its own divine timing.

For this is the most important step.


Like fertile soil or the vastness of the infinite galaxies, this is where we are reminded that we are constantly co-creating with the Divine Universe.

This is when we decide.


What do we wish for?
What do we truly desire?
What do we really want?
And more importantly… What do we really NEED?


It’s in this sweet space where we find clarity.
Where we find Divine Guidance.
Where we find our WHY, so that we may come to a clear realization of the steps towards our HOW.


You see…
Because there are so many different areas and aspects of our lives, we must first connect with what is currently asking for our attention.


Is it our purpose? Our relationship(s)? Our sacred living space? Our creative endeavors? Our finances? Our relationship to Self? Our hobbies that spark our soul? Our community? Our spirituality? Our health? Our career? Our business? Our passions? Our heart’s desires?


What is calling for our attention most right now?
What needs to be shifted? What needs to be alchemised? What needs to be expanded? What needs to be addressed? What needs to be FELT…?

This is where we start, sweet love.

Imagine this space & clarity we just created as a beautiful ‘soon to be’ garden with fresh & fertile soil. Next, imagine the seeds you’re planting as the areas & aspects of your life you wish to focus on & see bloom!


As we intentionally focus on these areas & aspects, we are indeed energetically planting the seeds. Let’s dive into an example & say one of the seeds we wish to plant in our energetic garden is optimal health…


What are the ACTIONS needed to care for that seed in order to witness it as it blooms? Perhaps it’s being more mindful of what we’re consuming on all levels of our being (not just what we’re eating, but also what we’re listening to, watching, taking in, who/what we’re surrounding ourselves with, etc..)


Maybe another way to energetically ‘water’ or care for this seed of optimal health is to physically focus on how much water we are consuming or how much sunlight & movement we are getting daily… ironically, just like a plant or flower.


Caring for this seed means caring for your SELF fully. Being mindful of how you speak to yourself & about yourself (since we know our cells & powerful bodies are always listening)!

For example – maybe you start incorporating daily affirmations that you KNOW will support your optimal health, since this is the area/aspect example that we are focusing on right now.


Most importantly, it is crucial that we care for our energetic seeds CONSISTENTLY.

Again, if we were caring for a real seed, plant or flower & we nurtured it, watered it, spoke kindly to it, gave it the proper nutrients & made sure it got the right amount of sunlight for the first 2 weeks it would thrive… but what would happen if after that 2 weeks we started neglecting it? What would happen to that seed, potential flower and/or plant?

I want to share a real life example of this from a Divine Feminine Workshop I hosted with over 25 beautiful souls back in 2022.

I held the sacred space & created a ceremony in which every Goddess was given a handful of blessed & Reiki-infused marigold seeds, nutrient dense soil, & a starter pot that could be directly planted into the ground once the flowers bloomed. I had each of the women there write out a “wish” or “hearts desire” they wish to see bloom & come into fruition. As we did this ceremonially together, we each held space for one another as every woman came to the middle of the circle one-by-one & planted their seeds. They put their small piece of paper with their wish written on it in their soil. It was one of the most powerful circles I have ever held & witnessed. To see everyone hold space for one another's wish was so special. 


This workshop in particular was over 3 hours long & this ‘wish planting’ ceremony was completed at the very end. What happened next is what I wish to share with you… 


I reminded the group that their seeds would bloom according to the energy, effort & ultimately the trust they had in the process. As well as their consistency in properly caring for their seeds. I gifted each participant with clear instructions as to how they could best support their seeds to abundatly BLOOM. 


I knew intuitively that every woman there would have a different experience with this ritual, and to witness the various outcomes for each participant was truly powerful! For example… one of the participants left her planted ‘wish’ seeds at the event. I messaged her that night letting her know I would care for them until she was able to pick them up & she said she would pick them up the next day… she never did. Almost a week went by before she finally came back to pick them up. I cared for them throughout the week & was hopeful she would get what she needed from the experience. 


Another group of 3 very powerful women (one being a beautiful soul that had brought her two young daughters with her) sent me videos & pictures of their seeds already sprouting THE VERY NEXT DAY AFTER THE WORKSHOP! Honestly I wasn’t surprised because I witnessed how much love & energy they put into the process. I continued to receive pictures & videos of the sprouts over time which filled my heart & soul to see. My own seeds however showed NO signs of sprouting. It was a lesson in itself to not feel discouraged (or envious) by my own seeds not sprouting & to instead feel grateful as well as inspired by the sprouted seeds of the group. It was also cool to see how each participant's seeds sprouted over the coming weeks in their own timing.


Although my seeds showed no signs of sprouting, I continued to care for them consistently trusting they would. I remember thinking “come on little babies… I know you can do it!” I would speak lovingly into my seeds every day & night awaiting the arrival of the sprouts. After doing this for weeks, I started to get discouraged. I said out loud to the seeds… “Alright… if you are going to sprout, SPROUT… otherwise I will freely return you back to the soil of mother earth.” THE NEXT DAY (I am not making this up…) I woke up to multiple sprouts. Tears came to my eyes upon this beautiful sight & I was reminded how important it is not only to trust but to also audibly speak things out into existence. 


That same day my seeds finally sprouted, I was hosting a different class at the healing center where the Divine Feminine Workshop took place. Remember the woman who forgot her seeds & came back for them a week later? She showed up to class that day. She told me her seeds weren’t sprouting so she threw them out a couple of days prior. I told her my story of how mine weren’t either but that morning they finally had. She gasped & expressed her regret in giving up on her seeds. 


The reason why I am sharing this story is because it speaks volumes in the importance of TRUSTING THE PROCESS & of course, not giving up. As I (& others from the workshop) consistently cared for the sprouts, they eventually bloomed beautifully. My marigolds thrived for months, road tripping with me from Florida to New York & back. 


Not only did my Marigolds bloom & thrive, but remember those wishes we planted with the seeds? My wish came into fruition & is currently grounded into my reality in full BLOOM.


I am eternally grateful. This was such a powerful ceremony to hold & share. I’d also like to take this time to thank every beautiful soul in that workshop who showed up & held space for every wish that was planted that night. May we be reminded that we truly are so much more powerful when we come together & support one another as we join forces.


My hopes in sharing this story is to inspire & remind us how important it is to create the SPACE to gain clarity on what we want, desire & need, to take inspired action in supporting our heart's most true desires so they may manifest & come into fruition, to have faith as well as trusting the process, to NEVER GIVE UP & to of course have gratitude once we are able to watch our greatest wishes & hearts desires come into full BLOOM. 


We are worthy.

We are loved.

We are FREE to BLOOM. 

To work with the incredibly intuitive Amorita, visit her page or connect with her on Instagram and use code Celebration10 for 10% off.

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