Card of the Month

Oracle Insights: How can I best Bloom in the coming month?


How can I best Bloom in the coming month? 


Ask yourself, what am I clinging on to? Then ask yourself, what am I clinging on to for fear of nothing coming to take its place?  


For most of us right now, we are deep in a period of crumbling. Sometimes not knowing which way is up, or when we will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 


This month’s card invites you to look at what you might still be holding on to. Whether it be people, places, possessions, unhelpful thoughts or limiting beliefs about yourself or the world around you. 


Take a moment to honour the pause. To do a self-inventory. What is working, what isn’t? What feels good, what doesn’t? Does something need looking at and tending to within ourselves, or is it simply time to let go and create space for something new? Anything built on shaky ground is destined to tumble down. 


It can feel like a personal attack when you’re in the depths of it, but difficult times are usually our most defining moments and this is happening to bring you back home to yourself. 


Before great breakthroughs often come great shifts and breakdowns. You do not have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Let the bricks fall. Give yourself permission to start again; to create new foundations and pave new, colourful paths that are more aligned with who you are and where you want to be in life. 


See the bigger picture but get started with small steps. It’s not a sprint. We can often get swept up in the rush and pressures of society, but remember, you are always right on time in the story of your own life. Some may be climbing while your life is crumbling. That’s okay. You do not want to rush to ‘keep up’ only to find that the mountainside you’re upon or the view when you reach the top is very much someone else’s and that yours is way off in the distance or perhaps no longer in sight. Tend to your own bricks & stones. No-one else’s ladder or mountain path will get you to your own dreams, visions or goals. 


So what are you going to allow to crumble this month? What are you making space for? 


Here’s to blooming in your own, sweet timing. You got this! 

Reading Channelled By...


As a free-spirited wanderess and healer of multiple modalities, Jessica favours creating long-lasting change and freedom from within first. Her main mission is to empower highly sensitive empaths to reconnect with and reactivate who they are at a soul level, so that they feel safe to be here now and show up as their most authentic selves.


Unsure of what needs removing from your life or what your current dreams, visions or goals actually are? Looking for clarity? Connect with Jessica @withopenwings and quote Celebration of Self for 10% off your first Breakthrough session. 

Card Deck...

Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell 


Artwork by Danielle Noel 


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