Plant Your Seed

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Mandy Krenz

Age : 37

Astrology: Sun Aries, Moon Leo, Rising Gemini

Kundalini Yoga Instructor & Self Love Guide

My guidance is a mix of chaos & love, meaning, in every situation that I go through, I transform the chaos into joy, compassion and love of course. That's also my mission.

Instagram: @mandy_krenz

Mandy Krenz_Profile

"My mother once said to me that you need roots to know that you are strong and wings to fly..."

Do you plant the seeds of your life?


We can decide every day who we want to be. 


But can we really do that? What prevents us from being authentic? What are we afraid of? 


Your whole system reacts differently when you are authentic.

Your nervous system is relaxed, your heart beats in a gentle rhythm, your thoughts are clear.

But every now and then a storm comes, just like in nature...

How do we fight against ourselves, against others, sometimes even against our bodies? 


Is this also a form of being authentic or do we surrender to the storm? 

Just like nature does.  


The wind uproots trees

The water floods beaches 

The fire leaves ashes behind

The earth leaves cracks in the ground...


But what happens afterwards?


New seeds are planted, something new grows, blossoms.


The beaches are cleansed,

New life emerges on the ashes; transformation.

The cracks open up and new land emerges.


What does that mean for you? 


Recognize the clarity every storm brings.

Ride every wave that comes, who knows where it will take you?
Use every fire as a transformation.

And conquer every space that is created.


Nature shows us how to do it every day...


What does that mean for me?


I think I've always been connected to the elements, but I couldn't use their wisdom for myself. 

I didn't see the miracle behind doing so. And the seed that was then planted.


I came out of every relationship stronger, sometimes with a storm, sometimes with a transforming fire, sometimes with a quake or with a deep wave of emotions. And space was always created for something new. 


My mother once said to me that you need roots to know that you are strong and wings to fly... 

I thank her for giving me both. 


Sometimes I forget to take care of my roots, then I am restless, much too flighty...

or the opposite happens and I stagnate.


Now comes the time of spring, of new beginnings..

Which seeds do you wish to plant, which seeds have you already planted and nurtured in recent years and are now bearing fruit? 


I am in a time of transformation this year, questioning much of the past years, but also seeing the magic of every beginning. and even an end has a beginning, even if it doesn't seem so at first glance. I continue to plant the seeds that will grow into trees with roots and flowers with blossoms.


With all my love and the elements’, plant your seed, take care of it and be ready to fly.





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