My Pink Magnolia

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Sue Phillips

My daughter’s name for me says it all ~ Susie Sewer ~ life long stitcher and worrier.

Instagram: @homespunwithlove

Sue Phillips_Profile

At this time of year I always wait in anticipation of an old magnolia tree coming into bloom...

At this time of year I always wait in anticipation of an old magnolia tree coming into bloom. The tree came with the house, and is situated right outside the back living room and bedroom windows. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m sure by now others would have chopped it down, for it does block out a lot of natural light - but on hot summer days I relish the shade it provides, and the living room is a cool sanctuary from the heat of a sweltering day.


This tree is a survivor.


One very early December day, in North Warwickshire, we woke up to a heavy fall of snow. Upon waking my husband was keen to get outside, to start brushing the burden of snow, which had settled on many evergreen shrubs. But not in time for some - we lost a large shrub which had already bent over and snapped at the base under the sheer weight, and a whole hedge had to be pruned right to the ground and started over again.


Then, we heard an almighty loud crack, and despairingly a quarter of our magnolia tree came down with it. For quite a few years we just had this huge gaping hole in the centre of the tree, but we persevered and nurtured it, pruning a little each season. Thirty plus years later it is still with us, though it is much older than that.


Spring Projects


Springtime is a moment when our gardens start to wake up, and the colour of flowers start to appear. Blooms are a common theme in all aspects of craft work. Nicki Franklin at The Stitchery has designed and created many gorgeous kits, for all skill levels, encompassing floral designs for all of the seasons. 


This year she has even launched ‘A Floral Year’, a whole year of floral blooms for you to embroider ~ available to order on the Stitchery website.

A Floral Year

In the link below she shares one of her designs, a lovely easy spring embroidery, ‘Easter Chicks’ pecking amongst a few blooms, for you to embroider:

Chick Embroidery

Sue also has many of her own beautiful, homespun creations, which readers can enjoy 10% off. Visit Sue’s Folksy store and use code Celebration10:

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