The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Mandy Rees 

Location: Birmingham, UK 

Astrology: Virgo with Cancer rising 

I am a mother. I have two beautiful daughters and I am married. I am a Feminine Guardian and Authenticity Coach supporting women to heal women.  

Instagram: @themandyrees


"This wasn’t the motherhood I had imagined..."

As a new mother, I found myself navigating a landscape I was wholly unprepared for. The birth of my first daughter ushered in an unexpected shadow; postnatal depression and an acute sense of loneliness. The isolation I felt was nothing I had experienced before. I felt disconnected from mothering.

It was during this vulnerable time that I realised how valuable female friendships are and how I lacked them. 


My Story: From Isolation to Connection

My journey into motherhood was one marked by silent battles. The anticipated visits to coffee shops were overshadowed by a relentless tide of anxiety and isolation. This wasn’t the motherhood I had imagined, and I struggled to voice my feelings, fearing judgement and misunderstanding.

This is why I created Mother Circles; a safe, sacred space where mums gather, share, and support each other without fear of judgement. 


The Healing Power of Shared Experience

In a Mother Circle, mothers are surrounded by mothers, each with her own story. We listen and share so that the weight of loneliness lifts. Women, who were once strangers, understand each other’s fears, guilt, and struggles. We don’t offer platitudes; we offer stories, empathy, and understanding.

They are more than a gathering; they are a lifeline. The Circle becomes a mirror reflecting back the strength mums can’t see in themselves. A place where we share not just our challenges but our joys and our small victories that often go unnoticed. 

"In Circle, we learn that motherhood doesn’t come with a manual; we trust in our own instincts, guided by the landmarks of our shared experiences."

A New Vision of Motherhood

It holds the collective wisdom of generations of mothers, from thoughts on everything from soothing teething pains to nurturing who you are. The knowledge and confidence mums gain are transformative, not just in their role as a mother but in their identity as a woman.


Spreading the Circle’s Embrace

My mission is clear: to ensure that no mother feels as isolated as I did, to spread the message that in unity there is healing, and to build communities where mothers can find their support.


Beyond Support: Building a Legacy of Empathy

The impact of Mother Circles goes beyond the immediate support mums receive; they sow the seeds of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect in our children. They learn from our example as a community of women who come together to support each other without any other agenda. They illustrate with love, the value of community, the strength found in vulnerability, and the power of shared experience. This is the legacy we are creating, one Mother Circle at a time.

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"To every mother feeling lost in the shadow of postnatal depression or the echo chamber of loneliness, know that there is a circle waiting for you."

Conclusion: A Call to Connection

My journey from isolation to connection and in witnessing the power of motherhood as shared within a Mother Circle, taught me that the essence of motherhood is not just in birthing and raising our children but in the connections we forge along the way. Mother Circles are more than a support system; they are a movement towards a more compassionate, understanding, and inclusive world.

A space where your story is heard, your feelings validated, and your journey honoured. Together, we can transform the narrative of motherhood into one of strength, support, and solidarity. By embracing the journey of motherhood together and in sharing our stories, we find our shared strength.

If I had found a Mother Circle as a new mum, it would have reshaped my experience of what motherhood was and could be. Honestly, it would have saved me.

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