A Continuous Cycle of Wonder

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Lindsey O’Connor

Age: 33

Nationality & Location: American living in Seville, Spain

Astrology: Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Cancer Rising

Writer, Herbalist and Plant Intuitive

Instagram: @singing_sunflower_

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" While one aspect of us may be dying away, another is being reborn and revived..."

As a young girl, I would spend hours outside communing with the plants, trees and flowers…creating my own sanctuaries in the elements. I grew up in Southern California, so I had the advantage of good weather, an avocado grove next to my house and miles of hiking trails filled with sagebrush (and the occasional rattlesnake).


Although I took a brief hiatus from my love for nature as a teen (Starbucks and Harry Potter became much more important) and my 20s were filled with big-city living, I found my way back to plants in 2020. 


Since then, whether it was hiking in Tenerife or sitting in my terrace garden, I have been filled with wonder and awe by the flowers and trees around me. Taking a moment whenever I can to appreciate their beauty, their grace and their presence. Soaking up their magic. Embracing their whispers. 


Watching how my (baby) bougainvillea blooms so brilliantly, only to lose her petals and leaves as she grows and prepares for her next bloom…which is always stronger, fuller and more vibrant than before. THIS fills me with wonder. (Although I’ll be honest, the first few times it happened, I thought I had killed my sweet pink girl!) 

But her gorgeous, natural cycle is a reminder that there is always release, contraction and silent growth before the blossoming.

Noticing how long it takes for my hibiscus to go from a tiny bud to a stunning flower…only to last in that vibrancy a couple of days, before releasing and falling away. THIS fills me with awe. A brilliant burst of color, energy and magic, however fleeting.  


But as the flower falls away, a new one is always, inevitably, opening up right beside her.


A cycle. A rhythm. An ebb and flow. 


Life, death, rebirth. 


A wondrous, timeless and never-ending symphony here on Mother Earth. 


Life, death, rebirth. 


And as we witness this in plants, we are given a generous reminder that endings and new beginnings co-exist naturally together. A rose may be ending her life cycle, but her sister flower is blooming right next to her. 


On a plant, you’ll find all stages of life. Small buds. Brilliant blossoms. And aged flowers waiting for release. 


All existing. All at once. On the same plant. 


And the same is true for us. 


We are in a constant cycle of life, death and rebirth within our souls, spirits and beings at all times.  


While one aspect of us may be dying away, another is being reborn and revived. 


While we’re in full bloom in one area of our life, we could be nurturing a newly discovered path and energy. 


While we could feel like there is metaphorical death and release in almost all areas of our lives, there is ALWAYS a light and glimmer of rebirth within us.


So whenever I feel confused, lost, angry or disenchanted with life, I return to nature. 


And whether it’s a flower on the street or my trusty house fern, I’m reminded that, like everything on this wondrous planet of ours, there are cycles. Chapters. Rhythms of life, death and rebirth. 


Even though things may feel confusing, lost, angry or disenchanting, it is always just a passing energy, a phase and an IMPORTANT part of the cycle. 

That constrictive, dark energy will pass and be replaced with a new budding flower soon enough. And that brilliant bud will blossom into fullness - always.

So, how can you find wonder in those darker moments? In those moments when the once-brilliant blossom is ending its life cycle? How can you find peace in the presence of endings? 


How can you find wonder as you observe that tiny, sweet bud growing so fiercely and confidently, anticipating its brilliant blossoming? How can you find peace in the loving, transformative, ever-changing phase of growth? 


How can you find wonder, peace and PRESENCE in the full, vibrant aspects of your life? Not dwelling on how you got there, or what is to come, but simply embracing the magic, energy and beauty of life…in THAT moment.


I invite you to turn to plants and their beautiful spirits when you feel a sense of disconnect. When you want to feel a spark of joy, an energy of wonder and a moment of awe, plants will guide you back to your heart. 

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Use code ‘Celebration10’ in the Singing Sunflower store to receive a 10% discount on Lindsey's beautiful, plant-inspired items. 

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