The Author Wants You to Know...
Name: Fallon Feadora
Fallon loves getting her besties together for regular pamper nights and enjoys hosting parties for others.

" It’s a beautiful thing to love yourself on your bad days too..."
From the age that my hair was long enough to go in plaits, my Mum would carefully wash it once a week and plait it for me. As I remember it, it was a sort of ritual back then as well. Each week I would look forward to fresh pjs, sharing stories, laughing and chatting with Mum as she gently combed my freshly washed hair, breathing in calming fragrances from the shampoo, conditioner and hair oils.
The first step to my self care ritual is to look after my hair, as I was so lovingly taught when I was that little girl. So scalp massaging, hair oil and plaiting my hair play a big role in how I look after that little girl now. I still have bad hair days, as I probably did then, but it’s nothing a bun, plait or claw clip can’t fix. It’s a beautiful thing to love yourself on your bad days too.
Reflecting and remembering all those fond memories with my Mum, my first friend and my first teacher. Those first memories of connection and special bonds we formed, help me to connect with that little girl now and live in my heart space.

Learning to Love and Look After my Skin
When I was 16 I started to break out in spots, it quickly turned into cystic acne.
I compared my skin to everyone around me. I found it hard to love myself and would often cry when I looked at my bare face reflection in the mirror. Somewhere along the way, after years of social influences, opinions, hormones, and not so lovely memories, I had slowly but surely forgotten how to love that little girl within.
I forgot how to look after my body. I forgot how to fuel it with food for the soul, like my Mum had taught me the importance of doing. My skin got increasingly worse. I tried every product, cream and treatment to try and ‘fix it’ so that I could love myself, but I didn’t remember the importance of loving my inner self for a good few years or the significance of doing the inner work - beginning to understand those triggers along the life-long journey of discovering who you are and who you can become.
Self care, even a 5 - 10 minute skincare ritual - fuelling and looking after my skin with natural organic products and calming my nervous system by breathing in those essential oils - allows me to take time to tune in with myself and recharge, so I’m excited for whatever life has to offer me that day. It’s a chance to listen to how I’m feeling and what I may need in each moment. It affects how I show up for the people in my life and allows me to set those healthy boundaries when my energy is at 30 percent. Later on, my nighttime routine is an opportunity to reflect on the day that’s been and any lessons to be learnt.
Slowly but surely I am coming to love the skin I'm in, despite the bumpy texture in certain spots, the peach fuzz, the scars of my acne, the breakouts I still get...
(though thankfully not as many), the blackheads and instead I can choose to focus on what a wonderful thing it is to be living in this experience; to have this body, this soul, this mind.
A quote from a favourite singer of mine, Erykah Badu - ‘We’re living in a world that’s oh so strange’. So for me, it’s a special thing to take time to reconnect with myself in the form of self care rituals, to grow and heal, to give as much love as I can, to give back to those around me and to focus on the things in my life which are beautiful - community and connection with my inner and outer experience.
Starting my journey as an ambassador for an amazing certified, organic, cruelty-free and natural skincare brand; I hope to make beautiful new connections and push myself out of my comfort zone.
Please be patient with yourself, look at all versions of yourself with love & understanding and remember how much you’ve overcome.
With love,
Fallon xo
If you'd like to gather your own besties together for a pamper session and enjoy the beautiful Tropic range, get in touch with Fallon at fallonhuckvale09@hotmail.co.uk

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