All that is blooming

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Nadine El-Hage 

Integrative Holistic Health & Longevity Practitioner, Herbalist, Tea Industry Specialist & Educator, Tarot Reader & Reiki practitioner at Two For Joy.

Having spent the last ten years working with and around natural health & wellbeing, Nadine is an experienced space-holder who is passionate about sharing the gifts of nature & the healing arts. 

She regularly facilitates wellbeing projects & workshops, connecting people with the healing powers of nature.

Instagram: @twoforjoy_life      



"Bloom ..the word brings such optimism, such hope..."

Bloom ..the word brings such optimism, such hope. 


Pure alchemy

Of a new season, new life, perhaps a new start 

…So many things can blossom when tended to, when cultivated with love and care.


For something to bloom, to germinate it needs to be first sown …set in - to the earth, to the vision, to the mind…


Then it is to be kept safe, nurtured, with love and intention.

So in time, 

This tiny seed is able to fully manifest its life-force in the near future. 


As the season arrives, time for it to expand. 

Slowly at first, 

Then more rapidly ..with more vitality and vigour;

Unfolding and reaching up towards the light, the sun. 

It’s fresh, new energy bringing with it an unfurling of its petals, its leaves. 

Saying to the world, 

Here I am, here we are.


In the flow of the life-cycle, to bloom is to be in fullest expression 

Outward joy 

The ultimate celebration of life

Of nature in its highest expression

In all its blooming abundance.


Take a moment, a few moments,

In silence. 

To sit and appreciate all that is blooming and that shall bloom.

Spring shall shine her light very soon.

Flowers Square

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