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"You see, animals give us connection..."
When I was about 18, I received a book all about how animals benefit from Reiki and to say I was fascinated was an understatement. The author spoke all about her work with rescue animals from lions that had encountered poachers, to dogs and horses that had experienced abuse. The bizarre thing is, it came into my life during a period where my family and I were tracking a loose dog across the fields in Ontario, Canada.
It was in the dead of winter and we knew we were against the clock for a happy ending. Thankfully, we got a call from a local farmer saying the dog was in his barn. So, with my very limited knowledge of how energy works in one hand and a rotisserie chicken in the other - I made my way to the back of the barn alongside my sister hoping to safely secure the dog.
Fortunately, there was a very good ending here and the very emaciated Great Dane, Stella, made a recovery and found her forever home. That day she could have fought us, but the look in her eyes was one of surrender. It was almost like she knew our energy and that we meant no harm. I didn't know it then, but I would find my way into Animal Reiki and Intuitive Readings in the near future. It was completely unavoidable.
Fast forward a few years, my neighbor was having a really tough time with her dog. I had just moved in and since then, I constantly got hit with tears. To be honest, I instantly cleared the house of energy to make sure it wasn't spirit-related and when it wouldn't go - I felt compelled to go next door. Obviously, I was unsure what to say after I knocked on the door, but I trusted in what I had to do.
The lady came to the door and I explained that I work intuitively with animals (only my own at that point) and that I’d felt called to come to her door.
I immediately followed up with “please take this with a pinch of salt if it does not resonate”, but she instantly started crying. She went on to tell me she'd only just been praying about it in the kitchen and desperately asking her elderly dog for a sign.
I was flabbergasted. Her dog connected with me and I picked up the call. As soon as I saw the dog, I burst into tears and said, “I'm so sorry, he has (and the number 3 came through) either 3 weeks or 3 months.” I felt horrible for sharing this, but she thanked me. The vet had been giving them the run around not saying how long he had and avoiding prognosis. Their Scotty dog passed away 3 months later, peacefully.
You see, animals give us connection. They connect with us in ways that our human counterparts can't and I have the absolute privilege of helping bridge the communication gap that can happen through Mediumship, Reiki and Intuitive Readings. I am able to help them put into words what they wish to convey to their human family. My calling found me and I'm forever honored to do this.
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