Hello Beautiful Readers,


As we edge ever closer to spring and the start of a new astrological year, we have been reminded of the beauty that can come from planting seeds, as the first sign of snowdrops and cherry blossoms have been budding and in full bloom here in the UK. 


As both of us have been experiencing a very transitory time in our lives, requiring a lot of patience (possibly one of B’s least favourite things!), we have been honouring this pause as best as we can, to take stock, reflect, reassess, gain clarity and remain open to possibilities. 


Jessica believes we can all learn something from the way others live their lives and recently took herself on a little trip down south, celebrating friends old and new, as they all bloom in their own ways within their personal or professional lives. She has also taken the opportunity to embrace the last of 'hibernation time' during the UK winter season, before she jets off on her next travels in April. 


B has become an observer of her life in recent months; often feeling as though she's a detached bystander eating imaginary popcorn, as she watches her reality unfold in front of her like a film, fascinated at what might come next, rather than actively curating her own reality. While not sustainable long term, it has been interesting seeing which shoots are destined to bloom and which have been dying away. 


We all go through different stages and phases in life. Sometimes these coincide beautifully with nature’s cycles, and other times not so much. It can also feel impossible to bloom fully while there is so much collective destruction occurring in our world. We hope the contributions in this month’s edition provide you some light relief, as well as comfort and reassurance that you’re not on this wild ride alone. 


Here’s to you blooming in your own unique way, with your individual timing and at your own personal pace. 


All our love, 


Jessica and B xo 

Jessica and B-2

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Celebration of Self is a platform curated for every person who has a story to share; to celebrate that ordinary is actually extraordinary. You do not need to be famous, a celebrated writer, or have what is perceived to be a great acclaim to your name, in order to have valuable contributions to share with the world. To submit a piece to be considered for publication in a future edition of Celebration of Self magazine, please use the Write for Us link at the bottom of the page.


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