Dear Rose

The Author Wants You to Know...

Age: 33 

Nationality: American 

Location: Seville, Spain 

Astrology: Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Cancer Rising Writer, Herbalist and Plant Intuitive

Instagram: @singing_sunflower_


"Your presence undoubtedly impacted my ability to move through this time without getting lost. Without losing sight of who I was and what I wanted.

Dear Rose,


You were the first flower I learned from. It was through you that I first understood the difference between learning about a flower and learning from a flower.


You connected and communicated with me in ways I needed most.


You supported me - and my heart - through one of the most challenging times of my adult life. You allowed me to feel and experience grief, pain and heartbreak, but not get lost in it. You helped my heart remain soft AND strong.


My heart didn’t shatter. And my heart didn’t close off.


Because you held me in your soft, nourishing embrace - bringing my heart back into balance.


When I cried or felt grief, I sipped your tea. I held your dried petals in my hands and inhaled the gentle aroma when overwhelming tenderness threatened to break me.


It was no coincidence you were the first flower I was introduced to as I began my herbal studies. It was also no coincidence that a few weeks later, my husband and I decided to separate.


A process that, no matter how loving, respectful and compassionate, was full of grief. Pain. Heartbreak. 


Your presence undoubtedly impacted my ability to move through this time without getting lost. Without losing sight of who I was and what I wanted. 


My deepest appreciation and gratitude for sharing your magic and medicine with me. You have inspired me to share this magic and medicine with the world. Your energy and essence will be honored, and your fellow plant sisters and brothers will be as well. 


Experiencing your wisdom has led me to further my studies as an herbalist and soon-to-be Flower Essence practitioner. It was witnessing your powers firsthand that paved the way for Singing Sunflower to be born. 


Your presence and power were the catalyst for a new life. Thank you, Rose, for being my first teacher. 


In love, grace, gratitude and respect, 


Use code ‘Celebration10’ in the Singing Sunflower store to receive a 10% discount on Lindsey's beautiful, plant-inspired items. 

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