Earth's Gifts

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Jessica 

Instagram: @withopenwings

Western Astrology: Sagittarius Rising, Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon

As a free-spirited wanderess and healer of multiple modalities, Jessica favours creating long-lasting change and freedom from within first. Her main mission is to empower highly sensitive empaths to reconnect with and reactivate who they are at a soul level, so that they feel safe to be here now and show up as their most authentic selves.

"...a temporary aid to work in harmony with."

Times my soul feels most aligned and my frequency high!... 


When I’m dancing, moving, flowing to soul aligned & high vibe music or whatever genre my emotions are calling for at the time. 

When I’m on my yoga mat. 

When I have prolonged periods off my phone and social media. 

When I’m walking and grounding in nature. 

When I’m creating for creativity’s sake and with no time pressure. 

When I’m connecting, dreaming, planning, collaborating and laughing with like-minded souls. 

When I’m fuelling my body with nourishing foods. 

When I’m connecting with animals. 

When I’m present. 

When I’m connecting with and working alongside crystals, card decks and other tools and ancient practices. 

When I’m reading. 

When I’m free-writing & journalling. 

When I’m taking salt baths. 

When I say yes to myself. 

When I allow stillness to hear my intuition and receive guidance from the universe via multiple signs and synchronicities. 

When I’m showing up for and serving others from a full cup. 


I wrote this several years ago. While most of it still stands, I no longer feel the need to use physical, tangible tools quite as often as I did during that period in my life, but my goodness did they play a significant role in the journey back to myself. This is one of the reasons Celebration of Self and its contributors wish to share all of the ancient practices & wisdoms that are being remembered, so that wherever you’re at on your journey, you can find ways to support your growth, healing or general daily life. And for those of you who are well seasoned in working with some of these gifts from the Earth, may this serve as a reminder and opportunity to reacquaint yourself with them, if required. 


You can combine multiple tools and practices to express and transmute different things. Do not feel you need to try or use all of them, but instead, find what resonates with you. This will look and feel different for everyone. If something isn’t working for you, it’s an opportunity not to get frustrated or feel like a failure (though if you do I’m sure there’s a tool for that ;)!), but to pivot and try something different. Taking physical action with the information and the tools that you have at your disposal is a powerful place to be. 


Remember, just like any external source from ourselves, they are not something to become dependent on, but a temporary aid to work in harmony with. Something that works for you one day, may not on another. While one tool or practice could work wonders for one person, it might not have the same effect for someone else. Remain flexible and adaptable. 


Find what works for you. Build up your own toolkit to call upon in the moments when you feel you most need to cleanse, reset, ground and come back to your own centre, or for when you need to shake up energy, ignite some fire and passion in your belly, and harness your inner confidence and power to take aligned action. Whatever it may be, some of the above suggestions are a great starting point and ones that we’ll be diving into in more depth throughout future editions, and from the different perspectives of our contributors.


There are tools and integrative practices that focus more on our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or energetic bodies, or a mixture of all of the above combined. It’s about tuning in and understanding what is most needed at any one time. This takes practice, patience, repetition and sometimes trial & error: Something we hope the pages of our Embodiment section continue to offer guidance and support with, over time. 


Next month we start with the foundations of working with plants, oils and crystals from the beautiful Singing Sunflower. For now, for those of you who have been intrigued about working with crystals, we have a beginner’s guide for you to add to your toolkit. 


To celebrate the launch of Celebration of Self, With Open Wings has created some Celebration word packs for you to get creative with. To enjoy 10% off store-wide, including on a variety of crystal and healing energy tools, visit here and use code CELEBRATION10. 


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