The Author Wants You to Know...
Name: Juliane Elisabeth Mennerich
Age: 26
Mantra: "love is the answer"
Astrology: A classic dreamy and romantic Pisces
Instagram: @_juliemenn_ and _wisdomwithin_
A woman of the woods, a wildflower, Julie is here to guide humans through their soul journey on earth.

"Times of change always bring up new challenges to face that hold new opportunities to grow..."
As Mother Earth invites me to lay down on her and feel her heartbeat, I am being invited to connect with this pure unconditional love. She teaches me how to gently surrender to the cycles of life, by showing me how she is managing the seasons of life herself. As I move into the season of Fall, I get the chance to fall into her arms, to fall in the arms of the loved ones around me but most importantly to fall in my own arms. She is teaching me how I can best hold myself in the time of seasonal change.
Times of change always bring up new challenges to face that hold new opportunities to grow, expand and create more love within and around me. These challenging times can be painful, exhausting and energetically draining, but they are important for me to be able to look behind the layers that I might have kept to protect myself in order to maintain a certain level of safety and stability.
Back in time, fall was a season for people to harvest and prepare themselves for winter, not knowing if they would survive. So how can I, in modern day, prepare myself for the transition into my inner winter, for the time of darkness and cold? How can I create trust in the unknowing but also in the knowing that I will bring love & light into my life, despite the darkness & cold that surrounds me?

The first step is to acknowledge that life is happening in cycles and seasons just like nature is. The second is to accept that I am not just part of nature, but that I am nature. With the understanding that it gets easier in surrendering to the seasons of life, that perhaps it is now sending out the invitation to look within and rest in the wholeness that is already embodied. To gather all the strengths for inner winter. And that isn’t possible when the energy is put into things that aren’t serving the highest good of all.
Learning to trust that we will create everything for ourselves that is meant for us in perfect time. Learning that we don’t need to rush ourselves out of fear of not reaching the destined goal. And learning to completely lean into the feelings. Because feeling is receiving and receiving is attracting. As we feel, we receive all that is meant for us. And as we fully open to receive, we attract everything that is meant for us through our magical essence.
One key factor in all of this is awareness.
Becoming aware of patterns, thoughts, inner dialogue, and feelings. Using awareness as a tool to navigate through this seasonal transition into our inner winter. Allowing all patterns, thoughts, and feelings to exist. Letting them be part of our unique being and as we simply give them permission to be there we detach from the power they have over us and we can step into our own creation.
The second key factor is slowing down.
Let all the processes arise that want to be seen without the need to push through. We’ll see how much easier we move through it when being patient with ourselves. With all that wisdom we can harvest all the tools and practices that support us in moving through this transitional time.
The final key factor is … LOVE … of course.
Love is the answer to all. Allowing us to fall into Love. The love around. The love within. And the unconditional love that Mama Gaia offers. Let love be your guide in the season of fall, allowing yourself to be held by the one, who has always been holding you, and that is YOU.
Hear yourself, feel yourself, see yourself and hold yourself. Appreciate who you are, who you were and who you are becoming. Because everything is already in the here and now, within your heart. Your centre of connection. The connection to it all.

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