Falling to Fly

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Lindsey O’Connor

Age: 33  

Nationality & Location: American living in Seville, Spain 

Astrology: Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Cancer Rising 

Instagram: @singing_sunflower_ 

Website: www.singingsunflower.com (Use code CELEBRATION10 for 10% off)

Lindsey is a Writer, Plant Intuitive and Founder of Singing Sunflower 

Lindsey O'Connor_Profile

"Both are terrifying. Both are exhilarating. And both lead us deeper into ourselves..."

How many times have you had to fall in order to fly?


“Falling,” in the metaphorical and emotional sense, can be terrifying.


It can also be exhilarating. Chaotic. Swift. Slow.


It can be all those things and more.


But one thing it never fails to be is a portal.


A portal bringing a new version of YOU to a new reality.

For nothing is ever the same after a “fall.”

Because it’s something that happens when we stop clinging to the old.


It’s something that happens when we stop allowing the old to cling to us.


It’s something that happens when there is a release.


It’s something that happens when we say, “It’s time.”


It’s something that happens when we least expect it.


It’s the “breakdown before the breakthrough.”

And sometimes the most painful, unexpected falls are what bring the biggest blessings and most valuable lessons into our lives.

For sometimes we have to fall in order to fly.


Falls don’t have to be dramatic, life-altering plummets, they can simply be a ‘letting go.’ A letting go of a habit that has become a crutch. A belief that has become a coping mechanism. A person who no longer aligns with our soul’s voice.


It’s a release. A fall into a (brief) unknown, where we land softly on our feet.


But sometimes they are a dramatic, life-altering plummet. Sometimes they involve deep transformation, releasing and shedding of outdated - but highly ingrained - beliefs and mindsets. Sometimes a fall requires us to face the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves that we didn’t know existed.


It’s a purge. A plunge into uncharted territory, where we land hard.


However, sometimes we have to fall in order to fly.


Sometimes we jump off the metaphorical cliff, knowing exactly what we’re doing (but at the same time, having no idea what lies ahead) and sometimes the Divine pushes us off when we’re least expecting it.


Both are terrifying. Both are exhilarating. And both lead us deeper into ourselves.


Because every fall shakes a deep, slumbering part of our soul and encourages it to awaken.


So whether you are about to take a flying leap off that metaphorical cliff, you’re in the middle of a fall, or you are pushed when you least expect it - hold trust and faith close to your heart. Visualize the ideal outcome. What you want it to look like AND how you want to FEEL.


Because sometimes, that’s the glimmer of hope that helps us get back onto our feet.


And remember, no matter how far you feel you may have fallen, no matter how heavy you landed, no matter how long you stay at the bottom of the fall, you will always get back up.


Sometimes we push ourselves back to our feet. Sometimes we have an angel or two put out a hand, lift us up, and dust us off.


Just as we know the leaves of the trees will fall every autumn, we must allow for our own falls.

And just as we trust the trees to awaken with life in the spring, we must trust that process of rebirth and reemergence within ourselves.

How can you let yourself fall (release), in order to fly a little bit higher? What can you do to trust this process a bit more - even if you don’t know exactly where it’s leading you? 

After the Fall (1)

This is the view from my rooftop in Seville...it was taken after my most recent, personal "fall," right when I was starting to feel steady on my feet again!

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