The Author Wants You to Know...
Name: Keli Elise
Age: 33
Location: Happy Valley, Oregon
Female, Married, Spiritual, Healthy
Mantra: I am source, so are you!
Instagram: @sacred_selfmastery
I support beautiful souls in quantum leaping to their dream reality. Helping you let go of blocks along the way so that you become UNSTOPPABLE making it happen!

"When we are triggered all that that is saying is, “there is a part of us that is ready to receive healing...”
We are so often taught that life has to be one way when we are growing up. This is the right way, this is the wrong way. So we spend most of our life judging ourselves when it doesn’t go according to the “plan” and how it's “supposed” to turn out. That is why so many of us become our own biggest critics. Our own biggest enemy. Judging ourselves so immensely that it stops us from thriving in this life. We hold onto shame, judgment, and regret because people have told us that we “shouldn’t” do that. This is bad and this is good. And if you were like me growing up you also tried to be the “good girl” or “good human” because that is the only time you got any positive reactions in this lifetime up until this point.
So what happens when things occur in your life that you have been told is wrong or bad? That people put you down for experiencing or even sharing about your journey? You hold onto shame and guilt which becomes a part of you. And what do we do with shame and guilt that’s inside of us- we pass it along to anyone else that is around doing what we secretly desire to do. This is how we get triggered. When we are triggered all that that is saying is, “there is a part of us that is ready to receive healing.”
So as you can imagine when I had to go through an experience I never thought I would have to in my lifetime, these old conditionings and feelings of shame, guilt, regret swept over me.
The experience that I went through was an abortion at age 32...
Right after I got married to my best friend and soulmate. We like to make our own rules in this life- and thankfully when all of this occurred I had been over 5 years into my healing and evolution journey so I had some tools to support me. But that doesn’t make up for what I had to go through in this heavy experience. As you probably know abortion is a huge topic in our society. There are people that are on one side of the fence and the other. It’s like this war with people yelling on each side “you’re wrong!” “No, you’re wrong!” and it's so crazy to me.
First of all - we don’t live in a world where things are only black and white. This is an INFINITE universe and you are an INFINITE being. Fighting against each other is not going to solve our problems only make them worse. What’s even sadder to me are the women who are going through this heavy experience and receiving backlash and hate because of choices they make about THEIR LIVES and THEIR BODIES. No one else should be allowed to make that decision. When we judge others, we are ultimately judging ourselves. When we are fully healed- we are able to send love, acceptance, and compassion to anyone and everyone. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Bottom line.
One of the things I’ve noticed when sharing about my experience around having an abortion is that the people that are holding onto their own shame try to throw it at me. My voice is activated and my heart is open. That triggers people because deep down within they want that for themselves as well! Let me tell you that going through an abortion was one of the hardest experiences I have gone through up to this point in my journey- physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually. But I am able to see things through a bigger perspective and lens, I was able to see that this was an initiation into my Next Level Me. I am able to see that we are here to find our LIGHT in the darkness. That is how we evolve.
Not everyone is in this energy though. And for most beautiful souls that have gone through an abortion they feel fear, shame, guilt around their experience and sharing it with others. Only because when we do share with people that are unhealed - they are so quick to be a bully and throw their shame onto us. Since being open and sharing my abortion story so confidently I have received so much hate. On my YouTube talk around it people are commenting “shameless killer,” “you are a murderer,” “shame on you,” and so on. Interesting to me that it is all from men. Men never have to make this decision in their lives. But do you know what I do to those people that accuse me of this- I send them unconditional love. Because their comments have nothing to do with me and everything to do with themselves.
I think it’s really important to talk about taboo topics, especially abortion. There are so many women hurting because of the hate and judgement we get around what we do to OUR bodies. We are told from an early age what’s acceptable and what’s not. What if you were able to let go of the “shoulds” and step into a reality where you make the rules. That’s exactly how I live my life to this day and it’s so freeing.

The more we normalize these topics, the more we heal the world. The more women can heal fully from this heavy experience.
What the world needs to heal is love, acceptance, and forgiveness and it all starts from within. When we want to make changes to the world the only control we have is how WE show up.
Change starts from within and ripples out. The more we desensitize this topic the more women can feel comfortable sharing their journey while healing from it and supporting one another. That is what I feel my purpose is right now - to help people get comfortable with abortion- something that is SO common today, more than 1 in 3 women experience this. To find our light in the darkness it starts with sending love to the parts of ourselves that we want to shove under the rug. What parts of yourself are calling out for you to deeply love, accept, and forgive them?
We can’t change the past - we don’t have a time machine to change what has already happened. So sitting here holding onto regret, shame, and guilt doesn’t help us move forward in a positive way. Judging others doesn't help us move forward at all - it keeps us in that energy. You get to decide every day when you wake up who you want to be and how you want to show up. No one else can tell you otherwise! One of my favorite questions to ask myself is, “If no one told me how it was supposed to be done, how would I do it?” We are the ultimate creator of our reality - take what resonates on a soul level and leave the rest. I am rooting for you beautiful soul! Let’s change this world by starting within. Let’s normalize heavy topics and have the courage to share our experience so we inspire others to do the same. Let’s all learn to find our LIGHT in the darkness because that's how we activate our true power within!

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