Freedom in vulnerability -3

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Amber Donoso

Age: 27

Current Location: Miami / London 

Western Astrology: Taurus Sun

Instagram: @amberdonoso 


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"'s a feeling of pure euphoria which is never ending"

I feel truly honoured to be able to have the opportunity to express myself in a different way than I have previously. I work as a singer / songwriter in the Latin market, within Reggaeton specifically. It’s funny, I work in a very superficial and flashy industry, yet I’m studying to become a life coach at the same time. Both my mother and sister are therapists, and I myself have had therapy for over 10 years. 


My dream was always to be a singer. This became my biggest love and best way of expressing myself when I lost my father at age 10. He was my absolute best friend and I was devastated to lose him. Many people don’t know, but I lost my grandfather, my father and my horse (which my dad had gifted to me as a child) within two weeks. My grandfather passed away from cancer and my father’s passing was a complete accident during a practice Polo match (he was a professional polo player). This time in my life was definitely a defining moment which shaped me into the woman I am today. In some ways it was empowering, as I built resilience to push through the hardest moment in my life and what you would imagine to be unbearable, but in other ways, it was the moment that marked my deepest sadness and pain, which I’m still healing from today. 


It was during this time I started singing and playing guitar, which led me to a performing arts school at age 16 to learn more about music business and production. I wanted to be as knowledgeable as possible before starting a career in music full time. During this period I also signed to a modelling agency, so I was modelling and going to school at the same time. Modelling gave me the ability to make money to put towards my music career, which was always my dream. I had moments where I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about people and the industry. I also quickly realised it was an incredibly tough sector to work in. 


As I mentioned, music was always my biggest love and greatest form of expression. There’s nothing in this world that gives me the feeling of when I'm on stage performing and connecting with people. It’s hard to put into words - It’s a feeling of pure euphoria which is never ending and something I still experience every show I do. The moment I started working in music full-time (age 19), I realised that the fashion world actually felt easier and safer to me. It quickly became apparent that there were a lot of issues within the music industry that needed shifting, and I wanted to become part of a movement to change this. One where women feel safe, heard and respected. Within the past 10 years of working in music full time I’ve unfortunately seen its darkest parts, which I hope and pray the younger generations won’t have to experience. There are so many things which unfortunately don’t match my ethics and morals, and that has been the most challenging part working in the industry. Nevertheless, I’ve always felt I want to persist and be a voice who truly makes a difference. 


Becoming a life coach plays a big part in this. I wanted to not only have the tools to be a life coach myself, but also the qualification to back all of the learnings that I’ve gained within my own personal therapy sessions, as therapy has honestly saved my life. I’ve seen a therapist weekly for over 10 years and so I’ve learnt a huge amount about myself and others during this time. I’ve been through some of my lowest and most beautiful moments in a small room in London Bridge with my therapist. Those were some of the moments that empowered me and gave me the strength to be here today. 


Writing this all feels very vulnerable to me. I’m used to having articles written about the best parts of my life / career, and the things that most people supposedly ‘want to’ hear about. But the real Amber is the person underneath all of that, and that’s the person I want to share with you. 


I’m an incredibly sensitive and caring soul. My family, friends and animals are the most important things to me. I value the ones around me more than anything, and I think that comes from losing ones that I love. For as long as I can remember, I’ve suffered with anxiety, and having cats in particular has been unbelievably healing for me. I grew up on a farm in Chile, so I was constantly around animals. I feel animals truly give unconditional love, and my cats Coco and Luna have been a clear reflection of this. I also had a cat for 14 years called Wuskies who was the love of my life. He was born when my dad was still alive and died only a few years ago. He was by my side through all of my anxiety and depression, and was the most loyal companion. I feel humans are truly blessed to be able to experience life with animals. They elevate this life experience to a different dimension. When the time is right, I would love to travel to certain countries like Thailand to take care of abused and neglected animals. 


One of my other dreams and life desires is to continue visiting orphanages. I remember when my dad died, my mum took my sister and I to an orphanage in Chile to show us we weren’t the only ones who had lost a parent, and actually how incredibly fortunate we were in so many other aspects of our lives. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had up until this day. It’s something I always want to shine a light on, the further my music career goes. 


Thank you for taking the time to read and get to know me a little more. It really means a lot to me. I’d like to give a special shout out to my mum who has been my rock and is my biggest inspiration. I love you so much. 


I’m sending everyone who is reading this infinite amounts of love too,

Amber x

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