Freedom to Travel

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Vanessa Kliskey


Age: 33

Current Location: Vancouver, Canada

Western Astrology: Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising, Aries Moon

Instagram: @vkliskey 

Born in South Africa, and brought up in the UK and Brazil, Vanessa has been fortunate to experience life in many different cultures around the globe. Encouraged from an early age that travel and the great outdoors can be the best form of medicine, Vanessa can attest to the healing powers of nature and takes on a holistic approach to her own wellbeing. 

After relocating to Vancouver in 2017 and becoming a Canadian citizen, Vanessa now works as a Manager of Marketing & Experiences at Vancouver Film School where she supports up and coming creatives in order to share their stories and to develop the Hollywood North community. Vanessa is supported by her heart-dog Juno who reminds her daily about the importance of play and adventure.



"You absolutely do not need a big budget to travel..."

Travel means to me…  

Growing up my family never had lavish holidays, we grew up on roadtrips to visit family in Poland and Cornwall, or borrowing a family friend’s home in France. These family road trips were always on a budget but I have so many core memories from these times, it’s definitely what sparked my love for travel and road trips specifically. So when I think about travel, to me it is so much about building those core memories, immersing myself in different cultures, and let’s be honest, taking a break from the 9-5 and really allowing myself to just reset and feel free.


Travel makes me feel… 

So so so happy! I am someone who can get quite caught up in the details of the immediate, so allowing myself to break away from my current surroundings to reset and feel invigorated does so much for my wellbeing. I am definitely a better functioning human being after I’ve taken a break.


Travelling on a budget… 

You absolutely do not need a big budget to travel! However, I recognise any kind of travel is a privilege and that even the smallest of budgets can seem like a lot to someone else. But there are always ways! If you are on a tight budget, planning ahead is your friend. The people in my life know I love to plan, and I find a lot of joy in mapping out routes, searching budget-friendly accommodation and researching things to do. More often than not, many places will have tourist ‘traps’ - locations/activities that are very overhyped and overpriced. Regardless of this, wherever there is a tourist trap, there is often a hidden gem. For example, here in Vancouver we have the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It’s beautiful and a lovely $70 per person day out with all the other thousands of tourists. However, with a little online research you will find that the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge (a 15 minute drive away) is just as beautiful, not commercialised, almost no tourists, and totally free! Budget travel is entirely possible if you give yourself extra time to research.


Overcoming restrictions in travel… 

Travel for me has changed so drastically over the years. In my 20’s living in Europe, I really couldn’t point out a single thing that felt restrictive about travelling. Although I’ve always found ways to travel on a budget, the obvious thing would be money, and at the time, having 25 paid holiday days from work seemed quite restrictive. As I reached my 30’s a lot changed. I moved to Vancouver, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but also the most expensive. I excelled in my career but unfortunately Canadian holiday pay starts at only 10 days (going from 25 to 10 really has been the biggest shock to my system!), I got my heart-dog Juno, the pandemic happened, and the cost of living skyrocketed. Vancouver is not just an expensive city to live in, it is unfortunately an expensive city to travel from, even to get to the nearest ‘destination’ you are looking at a minimum $500 flight (approx £300) - long gone are the days of European travel for £10! 


In addition to factors such as time and money, which I feel many of us can relate to, the most restrictive thing for me personally in regards to travel has been becoming a dog-mum to Juno. Ever since this bundle of joy and happiness came into my life my priorities have changed. I really cherish the time that I get to spend with her more than anything. But that means big overseas trips, whilst still fun, just always have this deep feeling of guilt and worry. I am so grateful for my community and network of friends that provide some resolution so I can visit family in the UK, but travel for me has become a lot more local than it used to be.


As I’m fortunate to have chosen to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, travelling locally is still one big adventure that I now get to experience with my fur baby - it just takes a little bit longer to save for.


Top 3 tips to find Freedom in travel… 

  • Freedom and planning don’t sound like they would mesh, but for me, planning is what allows freedom to travel and explore. 
  • If you can, rent a car! Having access to your own set of wheels will open up so many more adventures and opportunities to steer clear of the typical tourist spots.
  • Go into it with a ‘yes’ mentality. Be open to new opportunities and changing plans - more often than not it’s those moments that create core memories and allow you to feel the rush of freedom we all desire in some way.
  • Choose your travel companions wisely - you could literally be in the most beautiful place in the world or travelling on the M25, if you have great company then you can find freedom anywhere.


Feeling most free… 

It might sound very cliche but the roadtrips I took with my best friend Jessica in our early 20’s were some of the most freeing times of my life to date. We’d both finished university and we saw work purely as a means to fulfil our dreams of travel. It had nothing to do with a specific location either. It was entirely to do with just being in the car, on the open road, the wind in our hair (literally), listening to great music, not worrying about what was happening around us, and just laughing so much that our stomachs hurt and our eyes filled with tears (and someone nearly wet herself on more than one occasion!)   


3 places to visit… 

  • Mexico - the beaches, great food, good people, ancient history and culture, and affordable. Need I say more?
  • United States - take your pick on locations - this country has every type of travel destination you could imagine, and can still be done on a lower budget.
  • Literally anywhere in Europe. Filled with so much history and culture. It’s so accessible (especially if you are already in Europe). You could close your eyes and randomly pick somewhere on a map and I guarantee there will be something fun to do/see, even if it’s just for a quick weekend getaway.


Respect where you venture… 

When living your best life out on the road and exploring what this beautiful planet has to offer, it’s important to respect the people, culture, animals and environment that we are sharing space with. Without that respect, you might feel free, but those around you may not. To provide freedom for all is to respect one another. Being a mindful traveller is the best kind :)! 


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