Live your true desires

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Molly

Western Astrology: Cancer Sun, Virgo Rising, Libra Moon 

Instagram: @mollyandinga

Facebook: Molly's Intuitive Remedies

Theta Healer, Intuitive Animal & Human reader based in Scotland and globally.

"Is your desire really your desire..."

One thing that continuously unites us all is the freedom to know exactly what we desire and how to actually make it a reality. In my work as well as my personal life, I witness and experience firsthand just how paralysing that stuck feeling can be. We all want to know what our destiny is. We all wish to have a map with every single junction, turning and U-turn pointed out so that we don't go ‘wrong’ or get lost. This is natural.


Historically, as well as today, if you look at the majority of our world, most of us have spent it with very limited choices based on our gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, culture, class, family, and societal norms, to name just a few. We have been raised from day dot being responsible for another's happiness, based on our conformity. As children, it was in our compliance with parents, teachers and the adults in our lives that we got to experience community, love and acceptance. Our 'good' behaviour was rewarded and our different feelings and viewpoints often disregarded or shamed. Others of us experienced threats and consequences of isolation, abandonment, pain, abuse, torment and rejection by being ourselves or not being agreeable.


Every client I've worked with, no matter where they are in the world, all seem to have a shared experience of swapping or earning freedom to then live their desires. That's why, when many of us embark on an intentional healing journey, we search for the key to everything. We want happiness, abundance, a family, a soulmate and freedom. The trouble is, most of us have no idea what that truly means to us. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the words, ‘But can you just tell me? Can you tell me what will make me happy, where my soulmate is or who I'm meant to be?’


So, before you go manifesting, ask yourself - Is your desire really your desire, or is it within the confines of what you know will be acceptable?


Some good questions you can ask yourself are:

What would I do if no one was watching?

How would I be living my life?

What version of me shows up?

Who am I with?

What am I doing?

Do I work for myself or with/for someone else?

How do I look physically?

What habits do I have?

How much money is enough?

Most importantly, how do I feel?


Questions like these allow you to define and redefine what living a life you want to live means to you.


It's important not to get too caught up in the questions though, because that is a clear indication that we are operating from fight, flight or freeze mode and/or the need for approval. The vast majority of this is about reparenting yourself and realising your desires and needs are not 'wrong' or beyond 'reach'. You are worth so much and the whole point of all of this is to live a life you find fulfilling. So, if in doubt, make a decision and act on it, then make another one, knowing that you can continue to pivot or change at any point, because after all, that's freedom.


To connect with Molly and receive 10% off one of her powerful readings or Theta healings, please quote ‘Celebration of Self’ in your message on either Instagram or Facebook

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