Love never dies

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Keli Elise

Age: 33

Location: Happy Valley, Oregon

Female, Married, Spiritual, Healthy

Mantra: I am source, so are you!

Instagram: @sacred_selfmastery

I support beautiful souls in quantum leaping to their dream reality. Helping you let go of blocks along the way so that you become UNSTOPPABLE making it happen!

Keli Elise_Profile

"You going into a mental and physical decline was the reason that I changed my life for the better."

Dear Mama,


Ever since you left this physical plane there has been a hole in my heart. The grief around the future relationship we would have had if you had lived longer. The grief and regret of how I should have spent this time while you were here. How I treated you in my rebel teen era. But without you going through what you went though - I wouldn’t be where I am today. You going into a mental and physical decline was the reason that I changed my life for the better. You inspired me to become a better me. Not only for myself but for those loved ones around me. I thought that I was learning these practices and tools to heal myself, and to support you to get better and heal. But the thing that came apparent was that it was for something even bigger than I can imagine. It’s because I am here to do big things in this life - and your soul knew it. The activation that happened as soon as you left this earth was groundbreaking. I became a different person instantly. I stepped into a portal.


I wouldn’t be me without you. Thank you for showing me what unconditional love looks and feels like. Thanks for making the holidays extra special and always going above and beyond to spoil us any way you could. Thank you for showing me what it was like to be alive and have passions. For showing me that it’s ok to change your course, your career and go after new dreams no matter how old you are. For always being so welcoming in our home to our friends who needed a place to live. For taking me on expansive trips around the world waking up my inner travel and adventure bug. For always being loving and open to anyone no matter what. For making me laugh until I cried just being you. For cooking the most delicious meals that I dream about to this day. Thank you for hanging with me and my friends and always being the life of the party. For throwing and hosting the most epic themed parties yearly, like our annual luau and grammy parties. There are so many qualities of you and experiences that I will hold in my heart forever


I know you always tried your best. Thank you for that. I know that you didn’t fully love yourself, but I know without a doubt that you loved us with everything you had. It breaks my heart knowing now that you were suffering in this life. You are the reason I want to spread love. You are the inspiration that I want to support others in self love, self acceptance, and self forgiveness. This is something that so many of us suffer with and it is the most important exploration when it comes to healing the self. Love is always the answer. 


I feel you now more than ever, in everything I do. Thank you for guiding me from the spiritual plane. Thank you for being my number 1 supporter. The thing about this life is that energy never dies. So even though you are “gone” in a physical sense, your love, your essence, and support will always remain and that is something that fills my heart with light and purpose. I am not only doing this work for me but to heal our long line of mothers that have been carrying this pain for so long. I am here to break the cycle and I am, thanks to you. I love you with all of my heart and I will never stop loving you. Thank you for all that you have done, thank you for guiding me on this path even when you didn’t know that you were. I couldn’t have gotten here without you. You will always live on in my heart. I love you forever. 


Love always your angel, 




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