Nostalgia Card of the Month

Oracle Insights: The Egg Stone


Pilgrims still to this day visit a large ancient stone in the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey, UK; referred to by locals as ‘the egg stone’. Legend says that women would sit on the stone during menstruation to both give and receive feminine power, while they were at their most powerful and intuitive. The stone is therefore recognised and honoured by many as a symbol of an era when the feminine was deeply respected. 


This month’s card encourages us to confidently lead the way in protecting the feminine within ourselves, others and the Earth, by not getting distracted (particularly by anything or anyone that makes us feel less than) and by not being afraid to be seen. 


Some self-enquiry questions to help you start stepping out of your own way...

* What is your biggest distraction? What steps can you take to remove or lessen it in your day to day life?

* What makes you feel braver to be seen? How can you do more of those things right now? For example, adorning yourself with pretty things, having a solo dance party, sharing a piece of photography or writing online or with a friend? 

* What negative thoughts or limiting beliefs need tending to and rewriting, in order to be able to see more clearly?

* Is your mind being kind? Get back into your body in fun and loving ways. Make peace with yourself and those around you by reconnecting with nature. She is the most creative source and force in this world! 

* What one thing really wants to be birthed through you at this time?


Start telling your story, start making your creations - they will soon become past memories that both future versions of you and others can look back on with deep gratitude and reverence.

What one thing really wants to be birthed through you?
Ancient Stones Activation: I honour the feminine power in myself. I honour the feminine power in all those around me. I'm ready to play my part in protecting the rising feminine of the Earth.

Reading Channelled By...


Instagram: @withopenwings 

As a free-spirited wanderess and healer & coach of multiple modalities, Jessica favours creating long-lasting change and freedom from within first. Her main mission is to empower highly sensitive empaths to reconnect with and reactivate who they are at a soul level, so that they feel safe to be here now and show up as their most authentic selves.

So many keys to our future and fullest potential can be found within our pasts, the stars and our own unique blueprints aka our birth charts. Looking for some clues or clarity on a particular area of your life? Connect with Jessica @withopenwings and quote Celebration of Self for 10% off your first Breakthrough / SoulMap session.

Card Deck...

Ancient Stones Oracle Cards by Rebecca Campbell 

Artwork by Katie-Louise 


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