The Author Wants You to Know...
Name: Kas
Instagram: @plantmagician_
Earth Intuitive, Medicine Woman and Plant Witch behind Plant Magician Apothecary.
Kas has been walking the plant path for many moons, studying different healing modalities, from Yoga to Quantum Botanicals and Astro-Herbalism. Her hope is that by sharing her medicine stories and working with plants in a sacred and respectful way, you can come home to yourself, become your own healer, live in harmony with mama Earth and share your own medicine + light with the world.
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"We are all so unique and gifted, yet so many of us feel disconnected, or like we don’t belong here on Earth. The thing is, that we all belong."
May this article guide you to reclaim your personal power and remember your inherent magic, medicine + gifts through Plant Spirit communication, tending to the Earth and cultivating a deeper relationship with the natural world…
Plant Spirit communication is a practice based on understanding that plants are sentient beings, alive and conscious, with their own unique personality, energy and frequency.
They are Healers, Teachers and Divine Mirrors that can help us heal on a physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual level. Plant Spirit communication is for everyone and actually it is your birth right and responsibility to reclaim these indigenous ways of relating with our green friends, Earth + All that Is.
We are all so unique and gifted, yet so many of us feel disconnected, or like we don’t belong here on Earth. The thing is, that we all belong. We are always connected and meant to co-create with Spirit, community and our beloved Mama Earth. Together. Plants help us remember our wholeness, purpose, responsibility, belonging and that we are not separate from Nature, we are Nature.
There are so many beautiful ways to connect and get to know plants on a multidimensional level. I don’t mean to just ingest the plant or work with their physical medicine, of course they are beautiful and powerful in this way, but they offer so much more healing and magic beyond their physical constituents.
We live in a world animated by Spirit. Acknowledging the fact that all plants have a spirit, essence, is the first step in opening the channel of communication. Plants invite us to become intimate with ourselves and reclaim our relationships. The most important one is the relationship we have with ourselves, as it always mirrors how we perceive the world around us - as within so without.
My favourite way of cultivating a deeper relationship with plants is gardening. It is a living prayer and devotion. Growing our own plants from seeds, tending them with love and care is the most rewarding and beautiful way of remembering these old ways of relating. If you don’t have a garden or are not able to grow plant babes in pots, on the balcony, terrace or windowsill, you can connect with the local plants around you. Notice what plants grow near you or show up for you. They speak to us, call us and always find us when we need their medicine and teachings.
So how do I begin communicating with plants?
There’s no right or wrong way, and we are all uniquely guided. It is a very intuitive practice, but there’s few things that could help us open up for plant spirit communication.
Every time I connect with a plant friend, tree, or fungi, I come with a beginner's mind, open heart and childlike wonder and curiosity. Eager to learn something new about them and ultimately about myself, because they always mirror back. Next time when you are out, say Hi to the plant you want to build a relationship with, introduce yourself and maybe ask if there’s anything you could do for them, or simply just share yourself in that moment. Dropping into your heart space and imagining that your heart, energetic field merges with the energy of the plant. You can also invite + welcome their spirit, consciousness, give offerings and gratitude, or work with plant spirit medicine, vibrational remedies. Plants are always happy to connect and share their magic and wisdom with you.
The more you sit and connect with plants, the more attuned and connected you will feel with yourself, your intuition and all of Creation. You will notice more synchronicity, miracles and magic surrounding you. Plants are our ancient ancestors that can help us reclaim our own unique medicine and gifts that are so needed in these pivotal times on Earth.
May we remember and reclaim these ancient ways of relating, connecting, reciprocity and responsibility. May we follow that voice within that always knows the way, and let our hearts and plants guide us. Remember that you are love embodied, always enough, here to create Magic on Earth :). And so it is x

To experience Kas’ beautiful plant medicines, visit her Etsy store and receive 10% off with code CONNECTIONS until 13 Dec 2023.
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