Playing Outside

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Jessica

A free-spirited wanderess on a mission to recreate real, in-person connections, as well as reconnect with herself through sacred rituals with the stars, the earth and the unseen. She has recently been inspired to do this by Ashley River Brant’s book, Tending To The Sacred. 

Her current favourite mantras: “Disconnect to reconnect” | “Tune out to tune in” | “Make the mundane magical”

Instagram: @withopenwings


"Making games up from our imaginations, predominantly undistracted from devices."

I thought I’d make it a bit of a family edition by contributing myself. As you’ll see from both of my parent’s articles, we’re a rather traditional bunch.

Change is good, change is necessary; yet the more natural, ancient ways are still the best ways, surely?...


Floppy disks

Dial up




Snake on Nokias


Chunky tapes

B Sides


Disc mans



Still, we played outside.

Making games up from our imaginations, predominantly undistracted from devices.

Recently I’ve been pet-sitting in Chorlton, Manchester. I’ve always been fond of the north. Perhaps it’s because it’s an area where my Mum grew up, but there's also something that’s often felt more homely, humble, laidback and easygoing the further you get from the capital.

As much as I like my space, peace, quiet moments and undisturbed time, there is nothing that has brought me more joy than having to throw multiple footballs of all colours, shapes & sizes back over next door’s fence every single day that I’ve been here so far.

2 young brothers playing out everyday, come rain or shine.

The older one was not so receptive to chat, even when I mentioned my friend’s son had the same bright orange Champions League ball, but brave nonetheless to have come and asked a stranger to return his and his brother’s many footballs.

I’ll never forget the youngest one’s sweet, little, round face popping up just above the fence line and calling out in the cutest voice, ‘Thank you for giving us our balls back!’ while his older brother tried to pull him down, telling him not to disturb me.

But what could be a more worthy disturbance than children playing outdoors in the fresh air; strangers talking; neighbours communicating; helping others; exchanging smiles; giving thanks.


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