Sweet Freedom-2

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Jessica 

Instagram: @withopenwings

Western Astrology: Sagittarius Rising, Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon 

A Poem of Freedom

Sweet spirits fly free from this earthly plain,

Sweet skies cleanse us all with your ritual rain.

Sweet self find a way to be true to your heart,

Sweet soul be brave enough to simply start.


Sweet space created by letting go,

Sweet dancing for days & nights in a row.

Sweet friend alongside me journeying life,

Sweet love yet to meet & become your wife.


Sweet body that rises without an alarm,

Sweet mind that thrives amidst the calm.

Sweet sidekick out on the open road,

Sweet boarding pass in hand and a light load.


Sweet sun on my face through a gap in the trees,

Sweet skin catching kisses from a gentle breeze.

Sweet inner child when I tend to your cries,

Sweet sage alive when I share answers to whys.


Sweet music that feels like euphoria to the soul,

Sweet silence & stillness playing an important role.

Sweet feet barefoot upon soft, mossy earth,

Sweet hands being warmed by a blazing hearth.


All of these things mean freedom to me.

Yet the sweetest gift of all…

Feeling free to be.

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