Card of the Month

Oracle Insights: RITUAL OF WATER

Ritual of Water 1
Ritual of Water 2

Disclaimer: I held this card between my hand and heart and channelled the below before looking at the picture or message. I share this as a reminder to never underestimate the power of your intuition or question its precision. The answers truly are within, and they’re much easier to hear when we allow ourselves moments of quiet and stillness. 



As we enter the autumn season in the northern hemisphere, the symbol of the snake shedding its skin wanted to be recognised. This serves as a reminder to let go and exfoliate our own layers, both physically and metaphorically, in order to prepare the land for new seeds to be sown. This could be giving your beautiful vessel a salt/coffee scrub, having a clearout of physical items, doing a digital detox, or cutting cords with certain people, places or things in your life. This will mean different things to each of you. Trust what comes to your heart and mind first. 


Once the space has been cleared or prepared, it’s time to plant a seed of good intention for future you, whether that’s a future project, trip, dream or desire, and then water it (aka take action now), so that it can grow through the darkness of winter, and come spring, you will be thanking and celebrating past (current) you for the head start. 


The theme of cleansing feels prominent at this time. Work with the element of water to cleanse and replenish, whether that’s via showers, baths, cold water swimming, having a good cry, working with the moon or hydrating more. 


We are made of so much water. The moon is strongly connected to water and the tides, and therefore our emotions. Allow yourself the grace to feel your feelings too. Sometimes certain music, films or friends can aid in this by evoking certain feelings or providing a safe space for us to share.


Give yourself a helping hand with healing (physically, emotionally, energetically) by hydrating yourself and your cells. Spend time making your water holy. This does not necessarily mean in a religious sense, unless that resonates for you, but simply purification… 


Look into filtering your drinking and shower water, where possible. Set intentions in your water before drinking. There are many scientific studies that have shown the power of water consciousness or water energy, and the power of our thoughts and intentions with this. Seek out your nearest source of ‘live’ spring water. 


Water literally keeps us alive and helps us to concentrate and focus more, which in turn means we are better able to show up for ourselves, our big dreams and the people in our lives. If nothing else, start looking into the water sources you’re consuming and get curious about some of the above. 


Sometimes the most simple things are actually the most profound. Whatever way calls or intrigues you the most, connect with the element of water this autumn season… timely as we head into the watery depths of Scorpio season towards the end of this month.

Reading Channelled By...


Instagram: @withopenwings 

As a free-spirited wanderess and healer of multiple modalities, Jessica favours creating long-lasting change and freedom from within first. Her main mission is to empower highly sensitive empaths to reconnect with and reactivate who they are at a soul level, so that they feel safe to be here now and show up as their most authentic selves.

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