The Sweet Nectar of Honeysuckle

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Lindsey O’Connor 

34 year old Californian living in Seville, Spain

Flower Essence Practitioner + Plant Intuitive

Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon and Cancer Rising

Instagram: @singing_sunflower_

Lindsey O'Connor_Profile

"... it’s when we are LIVING in the past as an escape from the present moment that nostalgia becomes a slippery slope."

One of my favorite childhood memories, surprisingly enough, brings me back to primary school. At recess, my friends and I would stand next to a wall draped in honeysuckle, and when the flowers blossomed, we would pick them and drink the little droplets of sweet nectar from each bloom.

This memory, so vivid in color, taste, smell and touch, lives peacefully in my heart and mind. And sometimes it instigates a beautiful wave of nostalgia…encouraging me to instill more innocence, play, lightheartedness and stop-and-smell-the-roses (or in this case, honeysuckle) energy in my life.

As you can imagine, I was so intrigued to find out earlier this year in my Flower Essence Practitioner Training that the Flower Essence associated with nostalgia was none other than honeysuckle herself!

Although nostalgia can be a sweet, warming feeling and bring forth good memories, we can easily get stuck there. Because sometimes those memories are safer, easier and more enjoyable to feel than our current emotions.

However, when we dwell on those memories too much, we can develop an unhealthy emotional attachment to the past. One that takes us out of the present more often than not.

There’s nothing wrong with looking back, appreciating wholesome memories and remembering those “good times." But it’s when we are LIVING in the past as an escape from the present moment that nostalgia becomes a slippery slope.

Our mind, body and soul belong in the energy of the current moment - no matter how challenging it may be.

If you have difficulty letting go of the past or you find you're dwelling in the energy of nostalgia for long periods, Honeysuckle Flower Essence (one of the original Bach Flower Remedies) may be a supportive ally for you!

Honeysuckle Flower Essence helps us to be fully present. It allows us to appreciate, learn and reflect upon the past, but not get stuck in it. With Honeysuckle, you can revisit your favorite memories, while still living in the now moment.

"Honeysuckle Flower Essence gives you an opportunity to taste the sweetness of the past, but then move forward with a full and willing heart."


Visit the Singing Sunflower store to enjoy some of Lindsey's beautiful, plant-inspired items. 

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