To Our Wonderful Readers, 


Wow what a year it has been! 


In the depths of winter in the northern hemisphere, a sense of wonder seems to fill the air. Our mornings are gently sprinkled with the first glistening frosts, and many children (and adults) excitedly await the arrival of Santa Claus and his reindeer or the joy of Christmas Day. 


It’s a time to be thankful for all that we have in our lives, and to come together with loved ones. Rather than get swept up in the pressures and burnout that this season can bring about for many, we hope you take this as your permission slip to pause, slow down and take stock of all you have navigated and grown through this year. 


We have witnessed and experienced much loss and separation in the lives of those closest to us and the collective as a whole in recent months. It has served as a reminder to us that the power of human strength, compassion and resilience really is a wonder to behold. 


As Jessica’s latest travels around Australia come to an end (landing back in the UK on publication day!) she is reflecting on the wonder of full circle moments - having retraced some of her former self's steps from 7 years ago, when life looked very different - as well as having a life-changing experience at one of the Natural Wonders of the World, all set against the novelty backdrop of seeing Christmas trees & Santa hats in 30+c sunshine. 


B has been navigating some big and unexpected changes in her life, but through the difficult days she has been focused on recognising and embracing the happiness that occurs regardless of circumstances. The laughter that rolls out on even the hardest days, the way a favourite song evokes joy during the deepest pain, friends and family checking in, and mostly the wonder of her two children who continue to be the most amazing humans she knows.


As reflected by our own unique experiences during this period, we are reminded that wonder looks different for all of us, at different times in our lives. Wherever you are on your journey and however this season feels for you, we hope this month’s array of articles fill you with a sense of awe, childlike curiosity and inspiration for the festive season and the approaching New Year. 


Most of all, may you remember just how wonderful you are, and how much we value each and everyone of you! Thank you for being here with us! 



Jessica and B-2

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Celebration of Self is a platform curated for every person who has a story to share; to celebrate that ordinary is actually extraordinary. You do not need to be famous, a celebrated writer, or have what is perceived to be a great acclaim to your name, in order to have valuable contributions to share with the world. To submit a piece to be considered for publication in a future edition of Celebration of Self magazine, please use the Write For Us link.

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