You'll never walk alone

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Javi 

Age: 30 

Hispanic, Christian 

Born in Colombia 

Grew up in Central New Jersey, USA 

Instagram: @lopezzzjaviii 

"My biggest dream as a young lad was to one day sing this anthem alongside the choir of the Red Sea that can only be found at Anfield."

One of my favorite songs that I hold dear to my heart is Gerry and the Peacemaker’s, You’ll Never Walk Alone. It is an anthem sung by millions of faithful Liverpool supporters in the English Premier League before every home match. It is sung across many bars throughout the world but is best heard at Home in the great amphitheater that is called Anfield. You can also sing it throughout moments of personal darkness, as it reminds us who to call upon when we go through life’s deepest challenges.


My biggest dream as a young lad was to one day sing this anthem alongside the choir of the Red Sea that can only be found at Anfield. I still believe this dream can become a living reality within 10 years if I choose to get my life in order and prioritize what truly matters. Even though I no longer hold this dream so close to my heart anymore, this song still hits my soul to the core. Below is a sample of the lyrics us scousers sing out loud in every day of worship:

“When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark,
At the end of the storm
There’s a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark,
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
For your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone!”

I was finally able to sing this out loud at the top of my lungs at Carragher’s Pub in New York City where I witnessed a game against the almighty Real Madrid in the 2018 Champions League finals. Although we lost the final 3-1, I finally felt like I belonged to a home that accepted me exactly as I was. I also got to go watch Liverpoool play at Yankee Stadium in New York City where they played a friendly match against big time rivals Manchester City, but the atmosphere did not seem like it was appropriate for a soccer match somehow, as it was being played on top of a baseball structured stadium, which made it feel different. I forget if they even played the song before the game but I did not have the courage to join along with the choir that attempted to start the chant amidst the Manchester city fans.

At the park with my brother & sister

I managed to try out for the high school team, but I had a heart murmur which meant they did not allow me to start games without first going to get an EKG scan with a cardiologist specialist. I was extremely frustrated with this setback and so I quit the team and was kicked off the team the following year because I hadn’t committed the previous year.


I was pretty skilled and agile amongst my peers so it still kills me to this day realizing where my football journey could have taken me had we remained in our native city of Bogota, Colombia. I ended up playing Ice Hockey and Lacrosse in high school thanks to one of my skateboarding friends that I made in the Jazz club. It’s weird how quickly things can change from one passion to the other.


I remember falling in love with the FIFA game as well. I spent thousands of hours and hundreds of nights pretending to be like my favorite star player, Steven Gerrard. Every day after school I would go over to my neighbor’s house next door where we would play FIFA 2005 and I would choose Liverpool, while he would pick our rivals Manchester United. I vividly remember shooting scoring rocket missiles into the upper corner of the posts and it would honestly feel as if I was one of the players on the pitch celebrating with my teammates. 

On other days we would invite other neighborhood kids to join us and play 2 vs 2. The games would be more intense and even more fun, as the banter would sometimes get out of hand.

Afterwards, most of us would go home to eat and then go out to the backyard of our apartment complex where we had the perfect stadium of our own, with walls alongside the sides of the pitch. This added an extra factor to the game in which we could pass the ball off the walls and dance our way around past our opponents.


Another thing that would really impact my soul, is whenever I would watch Mo Salah or his Muslim brother of faith, Sadio Mané, score a goal in every match for Liverpool. After celebrating a goal they had scored, which was pretty much guaranteed every game, they would celebrate with the entire team and then humbly bend down on their knees in prayer while kissing the green turf to provide thanks to their God for the honor & glory. I’m not too familiar with the Islam faith, but it made me realize how we can always thank God in any area of our lives for all he has given us and for all the wisdom he will provide for us in future challenges ahead.


After the 2018 Champions League Final loss to Real Madrid, I gave up my passion for sports altogether and started playing a new video game - Rocket League. The name of the league itself intrigued me a lot and as soon as I started playing the game I fell in love. It is a game of soccer being played 3 vs 3, except you are driving a flying car that can propel into the air and perform aerial maneuvers to project the ball into your opponent’s net.


This game has given me a new passion that replaced my entire love for soccer, hockey, and even MotorSports combined. It is said that the Esports industry will one day surpass all American sports combined, excluding the NFL (National Football League). This means it has the potential to have a bigger market cap than the NBA (National Basketball Association), the Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, as well as Golf, Motorsports, Tennis and Martial Arts combined because of the amount of time newer generations are spending with their peers within the Meta-verse.


Rocket League has unexpectedly taken up a lot of my own time because of the way it makes me feel and I can picture myself playing it with my great grandchildren one day. Everytime I turn on my PS4 and pick up the remote controller to play, it's as if I become Max Verstappen or Mo Salah. It also brings me back to the days of watching Fernando Torres and Luis Suarez ripping up opponents' nets, or the days of intense gaming wars that I would have with the other children in my neighborhood.


It brings me joy to see how greatness can be found within the simple things, if only we are able to tell who our teammates are in life and to which net we should be aiming towards to fulfill our goals.


My cousin Christian, from Colombia, recently gave me a sweatshirt for my birthday this year on 4-20-23 and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what the sweatshirt means to me. It is a sweatshirt of our home team in Bogota. It brings me back full circle to thinking, what if I had never left my homeland of Colombia? What if I had remained there instead of traveling across oceans to a land where I feel alienated?


Although I feel like I don't belong to this country, I can safely say that my Mum and Pops have brought me to a land where I can best learn to love thy neighbor and experience a different perspective.

Sometimes we have to be the shining star amongst a sea of lost souls, even though we may be facing the storms that the game of life can present to us.

Even though there are great treasures and resources within this golden country that I am residing in, I still deeply meditate on the lives of my Grandfathers and Grandmothers. I strongly feel the urge to go back to my roots and try to somehow rebuild our Latino American foundations.


I often feel like I’m walking alone through this current life, but I believe God works in perfect timing and he will call me back home at just the right time. Whether it be here in New Jersey rooting for Liverpool, or back in my homeland of Colombia supporting Santa Fe, only time will tell where my destiny resides.


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