Your Springtime Flower Friend

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Lindsey O’Connor 

Age: 34 

Nationality: American 

Location: Seville, Spain 

Astrology: Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Cancer Rising

Flower Essence Practitioner in Training, Plant Intuitive + Writer

Instagram: @singing_sunflower_

Lindsey O'Connor_Profile

"Think of a young child playing outside and laughing - without a care in the world. To me, that is the energy of Chamomile..."

For me, one of the most quintessential Springtime flowers is Chamomile. 


A bright little bloom you can’t help but smile at. 


And now, as we shake off the cold, dark, rigid and inward energy of winter, we slowly begin to emerge into a brighter season. 


One that promises more light, warmth, sun and, of course, bright new beginnings. 


I see Springtime as the ultimate “bloom” stage. Where a smile graces our faces as we turn upward to the sunnier skies, ready to put into motion what has been brewing during the reflective months of winter. 


And if you are looking for a plant ally to help you bloom and share your bright new energies with the world, Chamomile is your friend. 


Medicinally, as a tea, she has a warming effect on your stomach. And our stomachs LIKE to be warm, as it helps them do their job better. 


So as we release old energies and densities of the past few months on all levels, she’ll be a supportive herb for your physical vessel. Her tea will begin to warm your solar plexus space and digestive energies, revving them up after slower months, and sometimes heavier food.  


Her tea also helps ease your body and mind into a more relaxed state, so she’s a fantastic ally to help you wind down at night. 


Energetically, or her “personality” as I like to call it, is the perfect complement to the soft, playful, sunny and emerging energies of Spring. 


One look at her sweet flowers and you’ll want to start blooming right alongside her. 


Chamomile has a playful, joyous spirit. She’s a dose of lightness, joy, purity, innocence and laughter. 


Think of a young child playing outside and laughing - without a care in the world. To me, that is the energy of Chamomile.


So, as we release and transmute all the heaviness, density and transformation that occurred in the darker months, Chamomile’s spirit and energy - her VIBRATION - can support you in BLOOMING. In bringing back a childlike fascination, presence and play.

Here are some ways you can connect with Chamomile on an energetic and physical level:

  1. A cup of Chamomile tea (you can touch, hold, smell and taste the dried flowers before you make the tea, too!)
  2. Plant Chamomile, or buy little seedlings, in your garden, on your balcony or window
  3. Take Chamomile as a Flower Essence  
  4. Simply look at a picture of her (and make it your desktop or lock screen background!)


And if you’re a fan of tea (like me!) here’s my favorite way of preparing Chamomile tea: 


- 1-2 tsp of Chamomile per cup of boiling water 

- Steep covered for 5-10 minutes (if you leave it uncovered, some of the medicinal volatile oils may escape in the steam!) 


This is with loose-leaf tea, which I recommend using over the tea bags you find in grocery stores. You can order dried Chamomile flowers for tea online, or in your local tea or herb shop.


I hope you enjoy connecting with Chamomile, and I trust that she will be a supportive ally as you begin to bloom into spring…and radiate into summer! 

Use code 
‘Celebration10’ in the Singing Sunflower store to receive a 10% discount on Lindsey's beautiful, plant-inspired items. 


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