To Our Celebration of Self Readers, Contributors & Community,
Thank you for being here with us as we celebrate 1 year of Celebration of Self magazine!
This edition takes on a completely different format than usual… We felt this anniversary edition was the perfect opportunity to finally create something we’ve wanted to build from the beginning - A gallery of all of our amazing authors & their articles, to showcase their contributions in one place!
If possible, it’s best viewed on a desktop or laptop. We hope you enjoy looking through and rereading your favourites, or discovering ones you might have missed before.
As we bring Celebration of Self magazine to an indefinite pause for now, we are celebrating all of the connections we’ve cultivated this past year; every single contributor for bravely and selflessly sharing their stories, lifestyle hacks & embodiment practices with our readers; ourselves & our small but mighty team of two!; the lessons we’ve gained in the process, both personally, professionally and in partnership; and not forgetting the 11 editions of Celebration of Self that we’ve managed to create because of the above!
On a personal level, Jessica is celebrating all she’s learnt and grown through during her last 12 months of travels; the connections she’s made along the way; becoming a published poet; and revamping her personal website (WithOpenWings) to house her own writing creations. Meanwhile, B is taking the time to celebrate her two amazing kiddos and the new life she’s been courageously building for them step-by-step after a year of crazy big endings and new beginnings.
Thank you again for being here on this journey with us! We hope you're able to take a moment today to celebrate something about your beautiful self, your loved ones or life in general!
Contributors - We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing your articles published online as much as we’ve enjoyed curating them. Readers - Thank you for taking the time to read our beloved magazine. Hearing all of your excited feedback and kind words of encouragement throughout the last 12 months has truly meant the world to us!
We hope you enjoy this anniversary edition!
Until we meet again.

Your online magazine showcasing a collection of personal stories intended to empower, inspire & celebrate. If you've enjoyed reading...
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