The Author Wants You to Know...
Name: Debra Kilby
53 year mother of two teenage boys, living in London.
Intuitive Energy Healer, Channel, Spirit Baby Medium, Soul Plan Teacher and Spiritual Guide.
Author of Rosa’s Choice: Healing the Wounds of the Mother.
Debra supports women on their journey to motherhood, whether they are struggling to conceive or have experienced baby loss or a traumatic birth.
She also supports women who are not in conception, to heal their own mother wounds, understand themselves on a deeper level, birth more of themselves and their own truth by opening up their natural intuitive gifts.
Website: www.debrakilby.com

"In my quest for answers beyond medical explanations, amidst the grief of my losses, somewhere deep within I knew there was so much more going on behind the scenes."
The classic magazine image of mother and baby, tenderly gazing into each other's eyes, evokes a sense of profound connection and love. But this image, while beautiful, can both inspire and trigger many emotions.
Images such as these only capture a mere glimpse of motherhood and the depth of relationship between a mother and her baby. Whether cradling your baby in your arms, awaiting their arrival or grieving their loss, the connection lives on.
In this article my intention is to expand your thoughts on the connection between mother and baby that goes beyond this lifetime to before they have even arrived or after loss.
My personal journey to motherhood, marked by multiple miscarriages and the heart-breaking choice to release my daughter Rosa due to medical complications, alongside the joy of raising two sons, propelled me into wanting to know more.
Questions swirled; Why the unexplained losses? What had I done to ‘deserve’ this? Why did I feel a bond with my babies I’d never held? Why did they arrive, why didn’t they stay, were they ok? And why did my boys feel so familiar, as if I had known them before?
In my quest for answers beyond medical explanations, amidst the grief of my losses, somewhere deep within I knew there was so much more going on behind the scenes.
Through my healing journey, I opened up to the world of life before life and life after life. I began to see the profound threads of connection we have with our babies across time and space.
One message from spirit baby was: “For many of us, that is our role, to open you to the possibility that there are other realms.”
This is the opportunity our babies offer us. They ‘see’ you, they know you, who you are, all you are and your life purpose and potential. They lift and inspire us to remember this in ourselves.
You’ve likely heard the saying – ‘our children are our greatest teachers’. They really are, pushing those buttons and unearthing buried emotions and wounds from our childhoods and relationship with our own mothers – how we experience ‘mother’. And this is the same even if you’re not holding them in your arms.
But why is this the case?
"Because your relationship together is deeply connected to the aspect of Mother that has been devalued over generations, suppressed, made small, even divisive as to who is or who isn’t a mother in the physical sense."
The concept of motherhood is often laden with societal expectations and misconceptions. The idea of sacrifice, guilt, inadequacy and unworthiness pervades the narrative. If you’ve experienced loss, having thoughts along the lines of not deserving to be a mum, having failed or being punished in some way – particularly if you’ve faced a termination.
This overshadows the profound truth of our innate connection with our children and the power of you as a woman and creator of life.
As we navigate the healing journey of motherhood, we confront these societal constructs and unearth our innate connection with our children that transcends these and our own personal doubts. Healing these wounds not only transforms how we see ourselves and life, but also evolves life now and for future generations.
"After all, who decided what a woman is or should be, and what a mother is or should be? The magazine image and the Hollywood ideal of motherhood is just a construct."
What if there was more to this energy of mother and all that swirls around this? More to you, more to your babies and your time with them beyond the thoughts and beliefs of your mind that society has imposed.
What if you expanded your sense of mother and acknowledged the primordial energy of Mother birthing all creation? Spirit babies remind us if you are preparing to be a mother, know you already are. You’ve carried this role across lifetimes, chosen by and for each other long before they arrive. Underneath the fears, is a pure connection with this creative life energy of mother.
You could journal on what the word mother brings up for you. Write until you feel complete and are at a point of love and connection with this energy. You’re writing away those hidden beliefs and imprints and finding your own, unique connection with the energy of mother.
You and your babies are healing these ancient wounds of how women have been seen and treated, to rise out of the hurts and beliefs of the past and find yourself, your truth of who you are as a woman and as a mother.
Our babies have so much to offer to help lift us out of these layers of hurts and experiences that tell us the opposite.
"Becoming a mother is a huge transitional period; it is not only a baby who is born, but you as a mother."
And this preparation for motherhood and birth begins long before it all happens in this physical world.
In the African Himba tradition, a child’s birthday is considered to be the moment a mother feels the desire for conception. She goes off and sits under a tree by herself, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child that wants to come. She then shares this with the father and they sing the song of the child, as a way to invite them to join the family. This practice underpins the sense of life before life.
If you are a mother already, you likely felt the connection with your baby in the womb, although it’s seldom discussed openly. The truth is, your babies are so excited and wishing to create a bond, share their thoughts and love long before they are in your arms or after a loss.
Connecting with your babies across time is one of the most beautiful gifts you can offer yourself and your babies. There is much more going on ‘behind the scenes’ of conception, pregnancy, birth, loss and beyond for you to discover.
Unveiling the mystery and magic that you are and all of life is. For your babies, imagine the comfort of arriving into a world already feeling heard, seen and understood; already embraced in love and familiarity.
For those who weren’t able to stay, understanding their perspective can offer solace. One of my most painful thoughts after releasing Rosa was – is she ok? Her profound response was “I came in un-whole, to make you whole, it was my choice too.”
In that moment I gained a deep understanding that it’s not all down to us as mothers, it’s not all on us but there is so much more going on behind the scenes. One that sees life coming together and evolving generation after generation.
Our babies are in a beautiful dance with us. They too have a choice.
"The ultimate journey we are all on, is to free ourselves from the loop of birthing trauma and instead birth love."
So, as you navigate the complexities of motherhood, remember that you are more than society's expectations or your own doubts and fears. You are a vessel of love, connected to your children across time and space, weaving a tapestry of eternal bond that transcends the confines of this lifetime.
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