Foundations for a healthy working life

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Laura Roxanne 

Instagram: @wakewithwonder

Conscious Coach | Spiral Practitioner | Reiki Master and Sound Healer

Laura is the founder of Wake with Wonder and helps driven women positively rewire their relationship to themselves and perception of the world around them, so they can achieve their goals and create the freedom to enjoy life and all the wonderful abundance it has to offer.

Laura Roxanne_Profile

" I was severely burning out from a lack of boundaries, overachieving and people pleasing..."

After working over 15 years in executive cosmetic industry positions for some of the biggest beauty brands in the world, I discovered something was missing…I had lost elements of my femininity, confidence and sense of purpose. You might think that working in the cosmetic industry would be anything but masculine, glamorous maybe; however, the amount of blood sweat and tears that can go into putting cosmetic products on the shelf is astronomical. 


Keeping up with my male and female colleagues in ego-driven environments was becoming extremely tiresome and uncomfortable. I was severely burning out from a lack of boundaries, overachieving and people pleasing. While I watched the women around me absorbing and projecting an overload of masculine energy, it was becoming incredibly difficult to show up as my true self in the attempt to compete with them. I noticed my female colleagues struggling too and I knew something had to change, starting with myself. 


This took me on a deep journey of self-discovery. I meditated daily, trained as a Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Mindfulness Teacher, gained my International Coaching Certification and trained as a Spiral Practitioner. This exploration made me realise that the more in tune I was with myself physically and emotionally, the more I embraced my feminine qualities. I took these qualities to work, I led my teams with care and empathy, I softened and showed my vulnerability by turning up to work with an open heart and truly cared about every individual I worked with. Most importantly, I showed my colleagues that it was OK to be yourself, that being soft and strong can coexist, and in doing so I became the leader I always needed. By standing up for what I believed in and asking for what I deserved, I showed that I truly valued myself and the people I worked with. And finally, my life flowed with an incredible amount of abundance and ease. 


Since that realisation, I’ve had no problem using my voice. I’ve asked for what I’ve wanted and manifested a dream life for myself. As I write this on the beaches of the Gili Islands in Bali working remotely, looking back I’m extremely proud of my courage and who I’ve become, the foundations of a safe home I have built within my heart and soul. My mission since then has been to help other women achieve their dreams and enjoy the journey along the way, just like I have. 

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Here are 10 foundational lessons I've learnt from the corporate cosmetic industry and my education in alternative healing and coaching modalities...

"It’s ok, to not be ok everyday" 

Some days require us to rest more than others, especially for women depending where we are on our cycle. It’s really important that we check in with our body daily and ask ourselves what we need whether that’s more rest, exercise, eating healthy, meditation, more sleep etc.


"We are humans, not robots"

It’s ok to be vulnerable, show compassion and empathy at work. The best leaders I have worked with during my career have shown compassion consistently and treat others as equals. Angela Ahrendts, who was the CEO of Burberry when I worked there, was a phenomenal leader. She was the kind of person who would wait for everyone else to get in the elevator before her, and simple gestures like that made others admire her even more. 


"If you don’t ask you don’t get"

Do not expect others to know what you want in life and do not expect things to be handed to you on a platter. Do not be shy to ask for what you desire; however, make sure it comes from the right place. From your heart and not your ego. An alignment of your goals with your values is more likely to end in your favour.


"Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others if you are struggling"

As humans we naturally want to help others which brings us to the following point…


"Self care, development and growth is essential to your everyday wellbeing in and outside of work" 

It’s your responsibility to ensure you prioritise and make time in your day for this. This is also helped by doing the following...


"Setting boundaries is essential to a healthy work / life balance" 

We are not mind readers. Express to others when you need a break from what you are doing. For example, if you need to go for a walk, meditate etc to clear your head and create space to think more clearly. Eckhart Tolle says that...

"Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found."


"Conflict may happen at work but communication is key in these moments" 

Don’t expect others to know how you are feeling; however, always be mindful of your delivery and try to communicate from a place of calmness. Really think about what you want to say, and most importantly what you would like the outcome or solution to be, before having difficult conversations.


"Get to know your work colleagues" 

A lot of people spend a majority of their week with colleagues. Harmonious relationships create better working environments and make working together more enjoyable.


"You first, business second" 

If you swim without a life jacket you will sink. Meaning, if we don’t care for ourselves and have our breaks, then no matter how hard you swim across the business trying to create a harmonious working environment, not only will you sink but you may take your work colleagues with you. Once you prioritise your wellbeing, you set a good example for others to do the same and you will also stay afloat.


And the most important one… "Beauty does TRULY come from within" 

The most organic thing you can put on your face everyday is a genuine smile that comes from your heart. There is no product you can buy in the world that can give you that glow that comes from being comfortable in your own skin. Trust me, that product is truly priceless...


To make a life-changing booking with Laura visit her website using the link below and quote ‘Celebration of Self’ to receive a discount. 

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