Card of the Month

Oracle Insights: WOLF Instinct


In the spirit and theme of all things regarding FOUNDATIONS… this card lovingly reminds us how important it is to TRUST in our intuitive instincts. Animals rely on their instincts in order to survive. It is a strong foundational necessity. The wolf is a great example of this, as this powerful animal trusts in its instincts in order to hunt and seek shelter. Wolves are known for their strength, loyalty & adaptability. The wolf is also an example of an animal that can survive on its own as a “lone wolf” but is naturally wired to search for & belong to a pack. A pack is where the wolf truly THRIVES!


As many humans are currently living in a civilized & rather fast-paced societal fashion, so many have collectively become disconnected from their most natural instincts. Because of this, we may have even become out of sync with Mother Nature, her instinctual cycles and even all other living things (including other humans). 


This month is an invitation to reconnect to our intuitive instincts & to make them a strong foundation within our lives as a whole. Although we may not need our instincts in order to hunt our next meal or to seek shelter – when we reconnect with our instincts, we put ourselves in a position to THRIVE in all areas and aspects of our lives. 


If we trust in our instincts to guide us, protect us, support us & to make the choices that are in our greatest divine alignment, we are actively choosing to live in a way that connects us to all living things. This is what supports our collective ascension on Earth as one unified stream of consciousness. 


The wolf also comes as a spiritual totem to remind us that we don’t have to do it all alone. Even though we still may be able to survive on our own, when we connect ourselves to a community that is aligned with us – heart, soul, body, mind and spirit – we put ourselves in a position to not only survive, but to thrive in union with one another. 


Reading Channelled By...

Amorita Z. Mugno

Instagram: @amoritaspurpose 

Inner-workshop host | Speaker on The Shrink Yourself Podcast© | Writer | Yoga teacher | 1:1 & group Life Coach | Intuitive Channel | Energy Healer | Holy Fire® Reiki Practitioner

Amorita is a passionate advocate for growth, healing and reclaiming personal sovereignty. She encourages all to "Spread the Love, Be the Peace, Bring the Light.”

To book a powerful, personal reading with the incredibly intuitive Amorita, visit and use code Celebration10 for 10% off. 

Card Deck...

Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Interior Illustrations: Wolf By Eric Wilson 

Amorita Z.Mugno_Profile

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