Working with your own oracle cards-3

The Author Wants You to Know...

Name: Elizabeth Alena 

Instagram: @elizabethalenam 

Soma Healing Collective 

Photo Credit: @Soulfocus_Media 

Elizabeth Alena_Profile

"When I experienced real, authentic mediumship, my mind was blown..."

I was exposed to psychic mediumship ten years ago. I have always been a “I have to see it to believe it” sort of person. So when I experienced real, authentic mediumship, my mind was blown. I needed to know how it worked. I dived into psychic circles, workshops, and retreats to expand my knowledge and gifts. There are so many different tools or modalities that help you connect to the universe: Tarot cards; oracle cards; crystals; smoke; tea leaves; palm readings; and the list goes on. It's important to find the modality that works best for you i.e. the one you connect with the most. For me, that is oracle cards. 


Tarot vs Oracle Cards 


Many people don't know the difference between oracle cards and tarot cards. To be fair, this can be very confusing! The oracle deck I use is called 'The Psychic Tarot, Oracle deck' by John Holland. 


Tarot cards use a symbol system consisting of wands, cups, swords, and coins that hold different meanings for the reader. The reader would memorize the meanings of the symbols to have an understanding of the messages. I'm sure a tarot reader could give you a much more detailed description, but alas, I am an oracle card reader. 


Oracle cards can have symbols also but they are a little more open and free. Oracle decks can be as simple as colors and shapes, or be very complex with images, colors, numbers, and words. This allows for more room to play with your intuition and psychic abilities to be able to read the cards. 


Card Decks 


I started with a very basic deck that did not have detailed imagery - just colors and symbols. This was a great place to start. I always recommend the John Holland deck as a good beginner’s deck and I still use it for all of my readings. When looking for a deck, I suggest going for the one that speaks or calls to you. We can have many decks for different things. I myself have so many: Ones I can use for a simple message, a more complicated deck to practice on and a way to connect to animals. For readings for myself and others, I am always using John Holland as the foundation deck. 


Working With Your Own Oracle Cards 


It's personal preference how you set yourself up to read oracle cards. I have a friend who knocks on her cards before she begins to clear any energy out and reset the deck. I often place the whole deck to my third eye to charge them. I know many people who don't allow other people to touch theirs, in order to lock their own energy into the cards. This is something for you to feel into when you start using your own set. Of course you can create a ritual before and after you read, but you also want to pick your deck up and pull! If we make it into too much of a production, we will never pull them. 


I invite you when you are using your oracle deck to pull cards intuitively. There are a number of ways to do this: 


  • Always start by thinking about the person you are pulling for in your mind's eye. 
  • You can lie all the cards out in front of you. 
  • Take your hand and hover it above the deck. See if you start to feel any sensations. Does your hand get hot or cold? Does it feel heavy or light? Are you drawn towards a particular card? Sometimes when we look at the deck all spread out we just have an inner knowing of what card we’re meant to choose. 
  • Alternatively, you can shuffle the deck, keeping the question you are asking or the person you are pulling for in your mind's eye. 
  • Wait to see when a card flies or comes partially out from the main deck. If you go to pull it and it doesn't come easily, keep shuffling. 
  • Trust what you’re drawn towards. Don’t question yourself. 


Reading for Others 


The way I use my oracle cards for myself and for clients is very different. Once you know how to tune into your intuition and use your deck you can get lost down the rabbit hole of pulling for yourself and those in your immediate circle. The Universe is smart… If I am pulling for myself and I haven't applied the message I've been given, I will continue to get the same card over and over again. My wants and needs can also cloud what I am seeing, so I like to keep it simple. My oracle cards often offer confirmation of things I already know. Using them in my everyday life helps me to trust my intuition and feel more empowered on things I originally felt unsure of. 


Closing Note from Elizabeth 


What has really changed my life is listening and tuning into my intuition. Really trusting what comes up for me with no doubt. Oracle cards are the tool that have gotten me here. For that I am forever grateful. It feels like working with a business partner: My intuition and my deck. 


This is all part of the practice of listening, feeling and trusting. I hope each and everyone of you can deepen your relationship with yourself and your intuition through oracle cards. 

Looking to gain some insight, clarity or direction? Elizabeth’s readings will guide you to the answers already within yourself. To receive your own personal reading, connect with Elizabeth on Instagram and quote Celebration of Self to receive a special offer!

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